Our son has FND and his triggers are as follows 1. Sick with a flu virus or infection such as strep - Triggers a NES
2. Does not get adequate sleep or over tired -Triggers NES
3. Overheated or to much sun - Triggers NES
4. Physical overexcertion - Triggers NES
5. Does not eat when hungry (skipping a meal or needing a snack) - Triggers a NES
6. Stress such as a hard days work, exams,test, getting upset or worried-Triggers NES
Now, look up symptoms of epilepsy or anyone with Parkinsons,multiple sclerosis or other diseases that triggers seizures involving electrical discharges in brain, their triggers are pretty much the same as ours. But yet they say ours are psycogenic. I loathe that word. I can accept NES but to say the P word is hurtful and offensive and I tell my son's doctors to not say that because it stigmatizes someone and prevents them from getting the help they need. I also tell them that it is not a proven accurate finding or official diagnosis, it is just a assumption because they really do not know what causes it. I also state that they thought the same thing years ago when people were put in assylums because of seizures and when the CT machine was invented and started doing scans and saw lesions in people's brains then they treated them and it helped. Maybe they have not found out with FND also.so nobody knows still what are the causes. I still think there is genetic mutations or a past infection, high fever from sometime ago, definitely vaccines that have affected sensitive individual's or a bad call or injury from the past that was not checked, maybe drugs from the past anything that caused the brain to start functioning abnormally to a host of other things. But just to say it's psychological , there is no prove in that. With all my heart i do not believe that's the cause. People with non factory eplipsy also have to see psychiatrist to manage their triggers just like us. So any comments i would love to see.😁 Thanks