On Friday morning after being on high doses of multiple antibiotics and penicillin I developed an itchy red rash on my body I just had to touch something and there was a red rash my oxygen sats down to 92% sometimes lower feels like someone is sat on your chest and then heart pain radiating up to my jar. My GP said for me to call 999 and get a ambulance they were here in about 5mins.
Put me on oxygen and after checks said I need to go to hospital so even though I didn’t really want to go with Covid-19 about I had no choice so off me went to Musgrove Park Hospital Taunton majors where nurses and doctors were there but only had paper masks and plastic aprons I think totally not right with the risk of Covid transmission since couldn’t get my oxygen sats up I was admitted again transfer team only had paper masks and plastic aprons as we exited Lift they say lock lift and needs deep clean as could be Covid-19 patient. I was amazed that they thought I had Covid and the only protection staff had was a plastic apron and paper mask. Hats off to everyone of the NHS staff at hospital for just getting on with it with possible transference high due to inadequate PPE.
As you know when your admitted to hospital you never get the right meds for over 24 hours when pharmacists come round on ward.
Anyway took over 24 hours to get my 900mgs of garbapetin by which time my body became uncontrollable with limbs jerking this way and that and legs aching from hips to feet now back on garbapentin and all settled down just wondered if anyone else had this happen to them.
Luckily my Covid-19 test came back negative and and I’m home now on all meds. Still suffering from shortness of breath every so often during the day sats down to 93% lasts for about 15mins then it rises again but ain’t going in hospital till I cannot breath at all.
Again hats off to NHS staff at Taunton hospital and ambulance paramedics getting on with it even though they don’t have right PPE
Mark H...