Has anyone here had stem cell therapy for FND? Did it help? I know most insurances don't cover the cost. A clinic in Omaha, NE called me back today and they believe they can help me. Has anyone else had it and it worked?
Stem cell therapy for FND?? - Functional Neurol...
Stem cell therapy for FND??
As we do not have an explanation for how FND causes our symptoms I would be wary about anyone who claims they can help. Stem Cell treatment is expensive, and has risks. Only YOU know how bad your symptoms are and only YOU can decide IF the evidence they provide is good enough for you to try it.
As a scientist things I would be interested in asking: Are they doing medical trials? If so why are they charging (medical testing has the patients paid)? How many people have they treated? What was their success vs failures? What are the side effects? Why does no one here extol their virtues?
You are at least checking with us, I hope you get clear answers. (I'd love to know if it did work)
I tried it at the well known clinic in Panama for depression and memory issues. It didn’t help me with anything (including FND) Also had it for my youngest son for his regressions and developmental/language delays. It also did nothing for him. Supposedly it can help 75% of people. I will tell you the U.S. laws will not allow the type of stem cells required for the tissue repair, any clinic that claims it does is being untruthful. Duke University Autism trial is the only “approved” umbilical stem cells in the U.S. Save your money!
I would be hesitant to recommend anything like it. There is no established clinical pathway that suggests it would help. We have a strange chronic illness that is poorly understood, and there a tonne of people willing to sell us false-hope for a decent amount of cash.
Ask yourself: why how when who.
Why this treatment?
How is it meant to help (what's the mechanism of action, how does that interact with FND)?
When would results be expected? What would they look like?
WHO else has done this (and what was the outcome)?