My doc prescribed Cymbalta to help manage my symptoms. My health insurance will not cover it. Has anyone here used this medication? Please share your experiences to help educate me and others!
Duloxetine (Cymbalta) and FND - Functional Neurol...
Duloxetine (Cymbalta) and FND

Hi,Ajastar, I was prescribed antidepressants as well, at first I was sceptical taking them, but then decided to give it a go. It worked for me, for about 5 weeks I was very good, was able to do many things around. Now I am still taking them but I suffer from fatigue, I am tired all the time. If were you I would definitely give it a go, it's worth it to feel better
I’m happy you responded and that it worked for you, was it Cymbalta or another antidepressant
I am taking Fluoxetine, the smallest dose.
I have read a side effect could be decreased sexual libido? Is that true? Cause I like my hanky panky 😜 LoL 😆
re: decreased libido...
I'm confronting the same choice, and I'm going on Cymbalta to see how it works. I was prescribed gabapentin, but the side effects of THAT are a solid NO for me...
I've known many people find work-arounds for the deceased libido that keep them active and happy :-). One of the biggest ones is time... taking more time. also expanding their playground.. brining in fantasy role-playing, for example...
if you have female sexual organs, there's new tech for stimulating the external female organ that has been a life-changer for many women I know.. like people going from ZERO to YES in as little as two minutes...
Hope you find relief soon!
I hope you keep us up to date on how you feel on the Cymbalta. And may I ask how the gabapentin affect you?
I'm starting the Cymbalta when I get back to LA. Gabapentin feels extremely dissociative, and my body feels like it's made without bones
Sounds scary. I take some different over the counter meds and Its sometimes hard to tell if symptoms are a side effect of meds or FND itself. One day while trying to shop for groceries I felt numbness on right side, then it felt absolutely light as a feather and then nothing..I was literally half a person and it freaked me the heck out. I hope Cymbalta gives you some relief!
I have taken Duloxetine for several years now. I am on a high dose for cptsd, but I know it is also used for pain and other problems, as are other antidepressants. They have a calming effect on the nervous system in general, so are used to treat a few conditions, not just depression.
For me, Duloxetine has been great. It is important to remember that everyone is different and what works for one is awful for another. And vice versa. So, unfortunately, opinions won't make much difference. Either you will benefit or you won't. It's down to your compatibility with the drug.