Hi everyone!
I need some advice from you folk.
I've been offered an 18 hour contract with my local Fire Service on support services.
I've enjoyed working with the service before and it's taken hard work to get back in again.
I won't be better off financially, but it's a gamble I've taken.
My present 16 hour job means I can take Kim out during the day and that means a lot for us both.
This position with the service is far out in Bury and the guilt factor is affecting me.
It feels like I'm putting the job before my wife, and although she is for it, I know that she's going to feel vulnerable.
In my present job, which is more local, at least I can phone her and come home quick by taxi if anything happens.
I can't do that in Bury.
What should I do?
All my references have gone through and my heads in a turmoil.
The service knows I'm a Carer and it's good of them to still consider me for this position with them.
Any advice?
Thanks everyone.
Tony and Kim xx