PSUEDODEMTIA MEMORY LOSS: I WAS... - Functional Neurol...

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Skysunshine profile image
6 Replies

I WAS DIAGNOSED WITH A condition Psuedodemtia. I guess it is a lot like these conditions. It's been VERY hard. I had to quit work 2 yrs ago & applied 4 SSD was denied :(. Has anyone else experienced SAVIOR memory loss?

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Skysunshine profile image
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6 Replies
Catherine-1 profile image

I experience memory problems really severe when I am under stress I have a lot of symptoms but this is the worst for me. I find it hard to hold down a job and my stupidity and incompetence opens me up to bullying and redicule. I do understand these symptoms are horrible and we don't really get that much support with them I really do feel for you I hope your symptoms settle down which is sometimes what happens wih these conditions take care x

AnniemJ97 profile image

I struggle with severe memory loss. When my symptoms first hit me it was so bad the only way I could explain it was it was like I had Alzheimer really bad no one could talk to me because I wouldn't know what they said, I couldn't answer questions, I would forget where I was all the time and was always found sitting in rooms crying because I didn't know where I was even in my own home, school became almost impossible but with the support of a close friend I was guided to where I belonged. Along with this awful symptom I got seizures, black outs, spasms, conscious seizures, staring seizures, and everything looked like a fog. I lost all of my communication skills and forgot how to live really. I suffered all that non stop and everyday got worse and worse for about 2 months and then all at once it stopped. I still struggle with my memory on a day to day basis but no where's near what I did with that episode. I no longer have seizures but I still have staring seizures and get the feeling like I'm going to go into a seizure frequently but luckily haven't had one yet. I struggle cognitively really bad. I find myself studying 10 times more than I used to and it takes me for ever to register questions, especially written ones which I struggle with during tests. My communication skills are still small like I struggle making eye contact, my mind is always so blank that when something comes to me I just say it often with out realizing I'm interrupting someone, I struggle with carrying on a conversation, it seems like I am always asking people to repeat themselves, I will call people by the wrong name when I know their name and I wont even notice until they are like "that's not my name, ____ is", I will be in the middle of something like homework and I will forget what I'm doing and my brain will look at the problem/paper and it's like someone else did the work and I struggle to make it make sense. I hope your symptoms calm down like mine did, for me, mine never got back to normal but hopefully yours will :) x

Mistertoad17 profile image

Amongst the myriad of symptoms I get from FND memory loss is among the most frustrating. My father has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and rather worryingly our experiences of memory loss are very similar.

One thing sets us apart though and that is that I get problems with both short and long term memory. I'm told that ,memory loss is normally tied to one or the other, but I do experience both.

I have forgotten how to make a cup of coffee while making it on several occasions. Spoon in one hand, coffee jar in the other and in an instant (no pun intended 😊) my head just empties and I stare at the scene before me unable to work out what the hell I am doing or know what to do next. It will last moments, to minutes to hours.

Also I have woken up not knowing who I am, where I am, or whose cat is sat on top of me. That was the most frightening experience of them all. It all came back after a few minutes and when it did come back it felt like my spirit, or my soul had been out of my body and had just caught up by feeling like it is sliding into my left side.

The left side is also very relevant for me in that when I get significant memory loss it always seems to catch up with me on the left. It's not just memory though, my pain is worse on the left, I suffer from temporary paralysis after violent fits and that paralysis is always in the left half of my body and my left arm, hand and leg are noticeably weaker than the right side as is the sight in my left eye. Just getting an itch on the right side can be like a breath of fresh air sometimes 😊.

The other thing I get on the subject of memory loss is an experience like losing time. I have whole perIods of time that have disappeared and never returned. I said to the first neurologist I saw that if I weren't so aware of the other problems, I might thing I was being abducted.

These episodes occur for me like the blink of an eye. I blink and the clock has moved on, the programs on the TV are changed and often it is obvious that the daylight has changed if it happens in the day. According to the doc I am experiencing some kind of absence fit.

The thing is that I am used to my fits following a similar pattern and while I don't always feel a fit coming on, I always know when I wake from one because I feel confused, the room is moving/shaking rapidly and I get very hot, drowsy and normally get a blinding headache. With these absences I don't get any warning it is going to happen. I just seem to feel the need to blink and then between 3 and 6 hours are usually gone.

Well I hope hearing about my experiences with memory loss and the experiences of others here helps you to feel that what happens to you is not so unusual and validates what your doctors have told you. I find knowing that my symptoms are shared by others makes me feel not quite so alone with it. As you may have realised I get quite an array of problems from FND and for me it has affected most of my body both internal and external. It can be an overwhelming experience, but knowing that so many people out there know exactly what you are going through helps to make the whole thing a little less daunting.


skifast profile image

I have been denied 5x on SSDI!! Did you see the video "The Hidden World of FND" I have been living this in no mans land for 6 years. There is an effect on every part of your life. Everyday I am reinventing myself to transform into a somewhat productive day. But when systems shut down you are toast. Learning to control is quite difficult especially when your vision shuts down which is my case. Trying to stay out of a wheelchair but being blind and a wheel chair that sucks with no SSDI!!!!

cathys20 profile image

Hi, All, I have read the posts and all the replies. My heart grieves for each of you. I have somewhat understanding of this, heard myself a little in each post. I have been ill with all of this since 1998-99, when it all started. It seems to evolve over time. Sometimes better, sometimes adding new things. I do not have a fnd diagnosis, but rather dystonia, with possible fnd type symptoms at times. Whatever that means. But it doesn't matter to me. I really don't think either diagnosis is correct. It is brain damage. I know the cause. Holding each of you in prayer, God Bless, Cathy

angelite profile image

Hi there Sky,

I have a family member that has been secretly put down as this - only found out when they paid for their records.It is odd that there appears to be no NHS direct website with info on this term.This is the next closest I can find

Their EEG showed diffuse abnormality,medical history included treatment for Hepatitis C with Interferon,,Lymphoma with chemo and radiation therapy and underactive Thyroid that is treated with T3 and 4. No evidence of depression although has tried anti depressants to no great effect.

I would be interested to know if you have other existing health issues or past illnesses that could contribute to these symptoms, or if you have been officially diagnosed with depression ? On what are they basing this diagnosis ?

Kind regards, Angela x

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