Fits : Hi all i just wondered if any... - Functional Neurol...

Functional Neurological Disorder - FND Hope

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tabey profile image
12 Replies

Hi all i just wondered if any one has suffered this horrible thing. I was going to see my nurse in my Gps and as i zombie walked into the room i felt as if i was on a fair ground ride and everything started to go numb and i had a prickly feeling all over next thing i new i was in A&E with a couple of needles in my arms a drip up and a doctor and nurse talking to my wife.

They said id had some kind of blackout my eyes rolled back and i was fitting but all was normal i just can't remember it and its a little scary has any one suffered anything like this.

hugs to all


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tabey profile image
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12 Replies
Impishcat profile image

A common feature of my FND is seizures. I'm lucky that I had confirmed childhood epilepsy so when I got my first fnd seizure so it wasn't very scary for me. For someone who hasn't had that before I imagine it is quite scary.

tabey profile image
tabey in reply to Impishcat

Thank you for your reply, not something i wish to repeat in a hurry

best wishes too you


Momofson profile image

Have you been checked for dysauntomia?

tabey profile image
tabey in reply to Momofson

oh thank you for your reply i never heard of that one so i shall look it up


Keepstrong profile image

Hi tabey 🤗😀

I too am only new to FND dignoses and unfortunately yes I have had two seizures. One two weekends ago that only lasted five seconds according to my hubby who had to get me out of it. He massaged the sides of my jaws as they were totally locked and he was rubbing my arms and then legs, he said they were clenched tight as a pole and I was grinding my teeth, something I never ever ever done in all my year's. I'm 51. I don't recall what happened or even in a seizure I was fast asleep till I heard my hubby voice over me at the side of the bed.

This morning I took such a very bad one . again I don't recall or how long this time I was in it. This time my hubby was downstairs watching TV . I woke up feeling extremely off. I could not open my mouth to shout for him my legs and arms where just totally stiff as a board, my toes and fingers where locked in a curled clenched position . My right eye again was doing a break dance the lid would not stop constantly twiching an locking. I had to Forse my hand open an reach for my phone that was luckily next to me because I had waken at 6 An put on YouTube guided imagery relaxation. I Txt my hubby phone I need you an he came quickly up the stairs and seen how frightened I was. I text I can't move my jaws or body on my phone and he started massage in circular motions into my jaws then legs then arms. I felt like I was after being hit by a crane. No I wasn't ever hit by a crane but if I was im sure that's what it would of felt like 🤣😂. But seriously it's really something I don't want to experience again. I grew up as a child looking after a much older brother who was an epileptic and would take upteen attacks a week and was constantly in an out of hospital with them. My Seizures are not Epilepsy ones but still I don't want my hubby or my grown up children or grandchildren seeing me like that.

If I hear of a way to stop or prevent these turn's I'll let you know and please vise versa 🙏🤗

I hope you have a wonderful weekend an keep strong 🤗 be well 🤗

Momofson profile image
Momofson in reply to Keepstrong

I really think you need to have the Mayo antibodies test done for autoimmune encephalitis.

Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply to Momofson

Hi Momofson 🤗 all my immune system is checked every few months and all blood tests are done for autoimmune disorders and also they do every other form of test due to my IGM gean over the period of one year just dipping and then totally it just disappeared

But I will ask them to do a test for what you have suggested. I just hope and pray it's not because I don't think I can handle another dignoses to be honest. Thanks so much for your support and reply dear Lass.

Be well and keep strong 🤗🙏

Momofson profile image
Momofson in reply to Keepstrong

That would be a diagnosis that can lead to a cure!

Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply to Momofson

Great thanks lass .much appreciated 🙏😇🤗

tabey profile image

thank you for sharing that with me and I'm so sorry your having these horrible attacks and of course i let you know if i learn anything

best wishes to you and your husband


Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply to tabey

Hi Tabey 🤗 thanks so much and my hubby said to tell you thank you also and he an I hope you too don't have any more turn's and enjoy your weekend both you and your wife and loved ones.🙏🤗

Lullee profile image

Hello Tabey, sorry to hear this. For 3 years now I don't fit anymore, I just blackout, progressed to blackouts anytime, any place, anywhere.

Bit like I'm walking in space become disorientated & all my lights switch off then I come round it can be upto 2 hours I lose with these blackouts. I live with limited vision past 5 years & what I can see is blurred. Seizures/blackouts are frightening & dangerous. Keep a log of when, what time etc. Please don't be afraid. You are not alone remember this.

If you are new to these symptoms it's awful. 22 years ago I thought I needed an exorcism😣

seizures, no walking for 1 year, constant head pressure headache, buzzing/humming in ears, electric shocks, twitching, spasms, muscle body constriction/locks, bladder/bowel imcontinence, chronic pain, sight impairment, light sensitive, gastrointestinal problems, sleep problems, face locks, no speech or slurry, constant memory loss.

I live like a nun for so many years. Eat clean, no alcohol nothing, calmly, no stress, daughters are grown, grandkids fine & this thing still tries to kill me daily, I don't give in, you shouldn't either, I know it's hard. We are Warriors🖒

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