Hi, I am new here, my partner wants too know if there is a place she can talk to other partners. She finds it all too much at times and would help too talk to someone that's in the same boat. Thanks
Group / threads for partners of FND s... - Functional Neurol...
Group / threads for partners of FND sufferers

Hi, I do not know such a group, unfortunately, but your partner can ask questions here.
Your able to talk on this with others that have the condition but there is also a few groups on facebook, if you type in functional neurological disorder a group will come up there! Ask to join! It's been a great help to me as your able to talk to people that know exactly what your going throug, it's like my second family!! Xx
Click these or copy and paste - both great groups.
1) facebook.com/groups/4461419...
2) facebook.com/groups/functio...
Take care.
I have been a member of somatoform_and_conversionsupport@yahoo.groups.com for a number of years and the members have been very supportive and have a lot of knowledge to give, they have been around since before Facebook.

We are actually trying to put some online support groups together. At the moment we can not afford to fund some of the live stream/video for an online meeting group. We have been testing a few out, but have not come up with one that will work efficiently. Our alternative until then is we are thinking of opening a private facebook page and we will choose a topic then those who would like to discuss that topic ( marriage, kids, working again) or a specific group of people (youth, carers, men, single women, mothers)...
So we see the need and we have lots of wonderful ideas. Unfortunately, we are lacking the time, funds, and man power to implement it right now. We are hoping soon though.