I'm testing this to verify but it appears that using Zytiga within 4-5 weeks of SPA is a big no-no. Zytiga's first metabolite is Δ4-Abiraterone. It inhibits 5-ar. So, inhibits T->DHT. Should be simple to test. I'll have the first half of the results this week. N of 1 but I'm the 1 so good on me
If it does inhibit as per multiple studies I've found, it should be very easy to tell.
It doesn't apply to me but I found this interesting: The 5α-reduced metabolite of D4A, 3-keto-5α-abiraterone, is an agonist of the AR. Dutasteride blocks the formation of that metabolite. So, adding dutasteride stops the formation of a metabolite that activates the ARs as well as stopping the 5-ar conversion of T to DHT. D4A inhibits the conversion, dutasteride inhibits it 90%.
But Zytiga blocks cyp17 biosynthesis of T.
So.... clinical trials are needed.
Lacking trials, we could get an idea of whether dutasteride stops the metabolite. But to measure the metabolite custom lab equipment would be needed. So.... clinical trials are needed.
If I were CRPC and was using Zytiga but progressing, barring liver breakdown or hypersensitivity to dutasteride, I wouldn't hesitate to add it to Zytiga.