Hi fellow fighters and BATman followers.
My latest update.
Past month;
I achieved my goal of 0.05 PSA on Jan 14th 2025 after 2 1/2 months on ADT and will now go back on cBAT on Jan 20.
I reached my PSA limit I set of 1.0. A little to quick. so i will need to transition out of cypionate one week then into propionate for 2 weeks then 1 day to clear T and back on ADT. This of course will raise my PSA probably to 2+ but I can't do anything about that.
When/if ADT lowers my PSA back down I will stay on it till it gets undetectable back to my NADIR of 0.02 then transition to pBAT for awhile. Remember pBAT is 2 weeks on High T then 2 weeks ADT and one week clearance before going back on High T
The reason I am going to try propionate again is to react faster to PSA levels.
it's a roller coaster ride.