Greetings FPC amigos,
I guess this article has been simmering inside me for a bit and I just had to let it go... As you are all aware, I follow promising drugs under development in treating PCa and I thought you should know what has happened to some of them and why they have not marched on to Phase III and headed towards you...
A little background info first, a Phase I/II trial involves testing safety,drug side effects, and best treatment dose for a new drug candidate. Phase III determines if the drug is better than what is offered currently, and should it be approved for use in the population. The ACS does a nice explanation of this in the artcle below:
A nice breakdown on what is involved and the cost of clinical trials is given below:
The problem involved with the clinical trial system is that by the time small biotech companies get through Phase 1/2, then they face the huge cost of Phase 3. That is the rub so to speak... These trials cost in the neighborhood of 40+ million dollars and by the time the small company finishes Phase1/2, then they are usually cash strapped... and need a partner... Enter Big Pharma with their offer to be a partner and make a fortune off these drugs.... Big Pharma looks at all the data, runs the numbers by some bean counter, and decides whether a new drug will get a shot or not...
Where are some of the drugs and companies that I followed that could make a real difference at in development?? See below:
1) Veyonda (idronoxil)--seems to be in Phase 2 --has found some partners
2) RV001-the lead cancer vaccine I posted on with positive phase 2 results--stuck waiting on a partnership deal:
3) Osteodex-a drug brought to my attention by TheTopBanana--completed phase 2 and raising money for Phase 3 (how long will that take??) This drug could make a huge difference for those with MCRPC and bony metastasis--see below:
4) ADXS PSA and ADXS 504--GROUNDED--like a lot of biotechs--Advaxis has run out of money... the stock sells for under a dime and the company may not recover--so much for 2 vaccine candidates...
5)CCS1477--CellCentric's drug...bromodonain inhibitor... I had thought it moved onto phase 3, but still seems phase 2...
Taking over 10 years on promising drug candidates while hundreds of thousands of people die is ridiculous. Look at how fast we had CoVid vaccines, and yet a vaccine for prostate cancer is stuck in the mud... This is where the government could do more to help...
This is all in my opinion of course, and feel free to agree or disagree....
Don Pescado