Greetings FPC Members,
Metastasis Directed Therapy (MDT) is becoming a standard of treatment in oligometastatic patients. Some posters will say,"Well, I guess you can do SBRT to likely won't hurt...", but this is far from the truth... It is much more likely to BENEFIT you with a low potential for toxic events...
Today, I will present some papers, studies, etc. to show the value of MDT in oligometastatic patients currently, and discuss where we are headed in the future. The first paper reviews some of the studies done and trials ongoing.
Next, we take a look at the STOMP trial, which stood for Surveillance vs metastasis directed Treatment of OligoMetastatic Prostate cancer. The study evaluated surveillance vs metastasis directed therapy and ADT was given with progression.
STOMP showed that:1)the safety of MDT was excellent, with no grade 2 or higher events and only 17% grade 1 toxicity, 2)The primary endpoint of ADT-free survival was achieved by 34% of the MDT group and 8% of the surveillance group over 5 years, a significant difference that correlated to a hazard ratio (HR) of 0.57 in favor of active treatment. 3) Men who received MDT had a reduced likelihood of developing castration-resistant prostate cancer.
The ORIOLE trial went further by not only looking at SBRT in oligometastatic prostate cancer, but by looking at the T cells and variation for immune response under the microscope. It also evaluated for treating all lesions that could be found using the best current scan, the Ga 68 PSMA scan versus those not fully treated. Finally, it took a look at genetic mutations and how that was involved with recurrence. From the article below: The effect of radiotherapy on the immune system is also an area of interest with the promise of using SABR to induce an in situ vaccine response.20,31 We observed enhanced differential clonotype expansion, clusters of similar expanded T-cell receptors, and a clinical benefit to greater baseline clonality seen only in participants treated with SABR. (Abscopal Effect). SABR treated patients that had no major mutations also had a prolonged progression free survival. From the conclusion--Although SABR alone may or may not be sufficient as curative management, the combination of SABR with systemic therapies may provide the multipronged attack required to cure this disease.
But where is MDT headed regarding SBRT?? I believe we will see more trials involving combo therapy--Systemic therapy with SBRT and Xofigo is currently on trial at City of Hope. The RAVENS trial with SBRT and Xofigo is ongoing and expect some interim data in 2022. Trial for abiraterone and apalutamide for 6 months with ADT and SBRT is ongoing and will have initial completion in July of this year--see below:
A video on SBRT and oligometastatic disease...
Some may add that there is no proof of overall survival benefit, however, they leave out a key fact in that statement. A Phase 3 study will have to be done over 10 years in OM PCa and there are numerous challenges involved in studies of this length including people dying from cardiac events.... SABR COMET 10 is a Phase 3 trial and if there is a benefit for 4-10 lesions then 1-3 lesions is pretty much a given....
Don Pescado