painfull night time horror's . - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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painfull night time horror's .

scareymary profile image
18 Replies

few not again , only had 45 mins sleep and that was restless , how do i get comfy , medication should knock me out BUT NO , so yet again i am online saying HELLO , fibro people , hope your all feeling ok and painfree ???? . is there such a thing as painfree ??? we wish .. got my cuppa and sitting comfy , hopefully i am able to go back to bed and get some rest . x

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scareymary profile image
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18 Replies
crissy profile image

Me to cant sleep for pain x

charlii profile image

It's 3am and I'm in the same's a long night tonight

Love Charlii xx

samandzara profile image

I can sleep when I take amatryptalin but iim always so tireed wll the time

Sthandra profile image

Me to wacked out but can't sleep at night end up nodding off during day so now Drs weaning me off amitryptoline so she can try sumat else no idea what though. Hope you all get som kip soon I'm just gonna finish checking my emails then I'll be out cold till about lunchtime have no option as pills make me wacked, I have tried taking them around 6pm just be for I have my tea then I'm out till about 1am then if I'm lucky I can cat nap for about 3 hours just thought might help. Sees you all later metaphorically speaking of corse so ttfn gentle hugs for all. Sithy

I was on amatriptaline. And I was left like a zombie ... After trial and error I now have the perfect night meds combo and am writing his after another 7 hours straight through sleep. I know its med induced cos when I stop taking them I don't sleep either ... My GP put me on 75 mg dosulepin and my pain clinic added to that 0.5 mg clonezapam .. I take it when I get into bed and roughly an hour later I am dead to the world and I wake up refreshed and no sleepiness left to make zombie like during the day..... I won't say this would work for you but if you aren't getting sleep then I would go back to your GP and ask for something else to try.. I have had fibro 23 years and its only the last 18 months I have had this combo and I sleep so I am hoping there is a med combo out there that well help you...

VG x

ladymoth profile image

I can usually get to sleep after a good dose of painkillers, but I wake up four hours later and have to get up for another dose and a cuppa.

I go back to bed with a good book and usually manage to drop off again after an hour or so - then I usually oversleep!

The worse thing you can do is lie there in pain, tossing and turning - it's best to get up and potter for a while with a hot drink. I guess that's why so many of us make visits here in the early hours.

I often do, but rarely write anything, as I don't have my 'sensible head' on at that time!

Moffy x

Devonie profile image

Yup, another here who totally recognises all that has been said and awake every 40 minutes or so through the night last night. On Amitryptoline low dose and seriously thinking about asking for an increase. Cant remember the last time I slept through the night apart from just before xmas when gp gave me diazepan (5 tablets for 5 nights). Took one and saved rest for desperate times. Have 1 left. This was because of severity of low back spasm and pain and excrutiating pain in rt hip which I know has a congenital defect. Its not just the pain that worries me tho, its the feeling of all over pins and needles, throbbing face and head and feeling like i can "feel" the blood going thru my veins when i am lying down. Doc has reluctantly prescribed naproxen but strictly limited due to "probable" TIA 4 years ago and wont consider any other relief because of this so trying to cope with mixture of that, cocodamol and paracetamol depending on the day or night's experience. Btw I am also diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia 7 years ago and often wonder if b12 doing proper job but thats another one gp feels no prob with cos treatment regime is that which has been tried and tested for over 60 years. Started new job 4weeks ago and feeling positive tho pain gets lived with. They have organised an appt with their ergonomic assessor and works physio person cant remember what they are called (fibrofoggy again). My fibro diagnosed 1 year ago after 5 years of clinics tests lumbar puncture for ms and finally rheumy who gave me a leaflet to read, said is this how you feel after leaving me a while to read it, to which i told him i ticked all the boxes. Told to go back to gp. Prescribed amytryptoline and that was it. Been searching ever since for answers and only came across here and fibro action, and organisation in last couple weeks.

Devonie profile image

Sorry that was a bit longer than expected :-o

in reply to Devonie

Hi welcome to the forum ... As I say to everyone sorry you have fibro to be here but I hope you enjoy being with us.... I must state here I have no medical knowledge but I too was prescribed amitriptaline. And it was useless for me... As were two other anti depressants I have now got a great combo .. See above post and I do get a great nights sleep ... So please don't feel you have to stick with what you are given .... I have had fibro 23 years and have been a guinea pig for lots of things... But finally 18 months ago I got the meds right at night... Still can't get day meds right but sleeping is a great bonus.

Go to your GP and tell him you can't sleep at night and ask if there is anything else he can recommend.... I am not anti amatriptaline at all if it works for people that's great,,,, but a lot of people who have trouble sleeping seem to be taking it......

Hope that's helped even a little

VG x

gypsyros profile image

I feel bad you all don't sleep I am on drug infused sleep but never feel like I have a had a good nights sleep, but I would rather have this than to keep waking up like I used to, also you should never drink tea or coffee or smoke when you wake as all these things keep you awake .

ladymoth profile image
ladymoth in reply to gypsyros

Aha! I rely on my redbush tea - which is caffeine free!

Surprisingly enough I don't find coffee keeps me awake - when I was on nights I drank gallons of it and still could have slept on a concrete floor. I know it keeps a lot of people awake, tho' - and it makes you pee like mad.

Fortunately iIdon't smoke, so I never need to light up during the wee small hours!

Moffy x

gailmarie57 profile image

I too am a sufferer of sleepless nights, restless legs and pain, taken off amotryptaline and prescribed pregablin, never felt so unwell suffered a month to let new meds kick in but no joy, dr has now put me back on the amy's along with garpethin (or something like that) have slept a bit better but it is only when I work my way through the restless legs and getting comfy but it takes a I manage 3 hours instead of 40 mins.

I have finally also been referred to a pain management clinic. Hope to pick up some tips there.


angib53 profile image

I tried amtriptyline and was like a zombie , doctor changed them im now on nortriptyline so much better I sleep better x hugs to everyone x

spidey profile image

I know it sounds daft but of you can't sleep get up, have a hot milk and a banana, yes a banana , read a book standing up, or even pacing up and down. This will excercise the crawlies out fo your legs while the milk soothes you and the banana has many qualities including

vitamin B6, which wards off fatigue and insomnia.

they're high in potassium, bananas are very low in sodium

The serotonin and norepinephrine that occur naturally in bananas help to combat depression.

high in fiber, they keep the digestive tract healthy and regular

Potassium deficiency is often the result of urine loss. Patients who require diuretics may be prescribed potassium supplements in conjunction with the diuretic or told to "eat a banana."

In addition to bananas, other potassium-rich foods include oranges, prune juice and tomato juice, cantaloupe and honeydew melons, beef, chicken, and fish including salmon and sardines. One banana provides the equivalent of one potassium glutamate tablet.

Read more: Potassium & Restless Leg Syndrome |

spidey profile image

Also, eating lettuce, preferably a darker green one such as romaine variety, has a sedative effect so eat it for supper. My Mum swears by a bowl of lettuce in the evening for heloing her get to sleep

Lettuce contain the sedative lactucarium which relaxes the nerves without impairing digestion. As a general rule, the darker green the leaves, the more nutritious the salad green. For example, romaine or watercress have seven to eight times as much beta-carotene, and two to four times the calcium, and twice the amount of potassium as iceberg lettuce. By varying the greens in your salads, you can enhance the nutritional content as well as vary the tastes and textures.

extract from

kkkk profile image

Even the lowest dose of amytryptiline left me feeling like a zombie during the day and made me anxious - particularly if I woke up at night (I became "scared of the dark"). I also tried nortryptiline which is meant to have few side effects, but that didn't work either. I've been told by several pain consultants, etc that tricyclic antidepressants such as these often do not work for fibromyalgia and that if you do not see any benefit in 4-6 weeks then there is no point in taking them. However, after more than 15 years of fibro and CFS/ME where I could sleep (cos I was so tired) but woke up unrefreshed and in pain, about 4 years ago I was put on pregabalin and clonazapam. I now take one capsule pregabalin and 1/4 tablet clonazapam at night and 1 tablet solifenacin (Vesicare - which worked straight away to control my overactive bladder due to bladder pain). I sleep really well and most importantly I wake up feeling refreshed! I also take low dose thyroxin and I'm now well enough to go to the gym regularly and am finally losing weight. If I miss a pregabalin or clonazapam tablet all the pain and exhaustion come straight back so they definitely work. They seem to have a synergistic effect which means they work better in combination than on their own - so you can take a much lower dose of both - which is good news when all these meds have side-effects. I also take slow release vitamin B complex which has cured my migraines and VitD+calcium which has fixed the tremors. If your GP won't prescribe any of these, I suggest you ask to be referred to a pain clinic. Hope this helps and good luck.

Matrix profile image

I have had fibro for 40years and I don't sleep ,I take amatriptylene and opiates and still no sleep .I suggest a good quality foam mattress topper not the £40 pounds ones yousee in magazines .I don't think my doctor really cares about fibro or knows much ,so I just get repeats and just keep going on ,its a hard knock life as the song goes .I find as soon as you start with pain in bed get up and take your meds (as long as you can time wise) then wait until it works before going back to bed .x

scareymary profile image

hi , matix , i have a good memory foam mattress my med's wow i take so many it's crazy , just get pain in controland get comfy and wamm ya move and its back ,in a diferent place , just a circle of madness i say , just have to get on with it , i hope you manage to get some releif .

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