Anyone tried the lightning process or... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Anyone tried the lightning process or been to the rowan centre? I'm thinking of trying it
what is the lightening process, have never heard of it but would like any info u have. Where is the rowan centre x
Lightning process... I think involves Neuro linguistic programming and other things... Google it! My sister who also has fibro went to the Rowan Centre near south wolds for a 3 day course which does the same things. Its a range of things that you have to implement at home. It's the only thing that worked for my sister so I googled them, then emailed them, hoping to get on the course this July around the 23rd I think. Google and research... Let me know what you think x
It depends really on your take as to what causes these conditions. I do not believe that a few days of NLP can change the alterations in brain matter & function documented in Fibro.
In the past, there was also a distinct lack of open-ness and discussion about the Lightening Process, with them being unable to provide me with exact details or any evidence. This was a few years back though.