Is it just me or do eny of you suffer... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Is it just me or do eny of you suffer with forgetting things and consentrating my husband tells me things and not long after i forget

helensib profile image
33 Replies

does this happen to anyone it is causing a lot of agguments at home and then i get more depressed thanks all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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helensib profile image
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33 Replies
jazher profile image

Yes helen,

This is me. I have many arguments with my partner, even my kids. I am the worlds worst, but he is just as bad as me but he is ignorance lol.

It makes me confused and scared sometimes and school must be sick of me as i always ask what time thing are, what days things like pe is on.

I write everything on the calender but i forget to look at that lol.

hugs, kel xxxx

fairylady profile image

Oh I suffer with this all the time, I can think right i will go and do that and by the time I have got up out of my chair I have forgotten why I was getting up. Drives me insane it is very frustrating and I cant concentrate on reading or doing my cross stitch. I am sure your hubby finds it frustrating too but he has to realise you dont do it on purpose it is part of fibro, 'fibro fog',

I am sure the arguments dont help you and you get more down and depressed and stressed and then that makes the fibro worse it is a terrible illness that we have to cope with.

Here if you need to chat hun

Gentle hugs xxx


helensib profile image
helensib in reply tofairylady

How are people going to understand if you can't understand yr self this illness is embarrasing very painfull he has told me i'm lazy which is not the case i got no energy no get up and go life is just passing me by Grrrrrrr i hate this body of mine and to top it off im full of a cold today

love helen xxxxxxxxx

helensib profile image
helensib in reply tofairylady

Men never suffer like woman and they just think we are lazy and uninterested xxxxxxxxx

love helen xx

hi yes it does happen to me all the time in fact i write myself notes know to put on the kitchen tableas other wise i forget i will sometimes sit downstairs and then go upstairs to get something and forget what it was then hav to come back down again

love to you diddle x

Bacaloca profile image

I suffer with this all the time, I have notes all over the flat, alarms on my phone and I still forget things. Like Diddle I forget what I have stood up for I am just waiting for the day to come when I wet myself because I forget to go to the toilet, I have come close a few times and it is quite embarrassing. (I hope I haven't offended anyone with what I have just said.)

jazher profile image
jazher in reply toBacaloca

Dont be daft, you havent offended anybody lol. xxxxxxx

fairylady profile image

It is hard to get others to understand it thats why this group is so fantastic we all understand. You are NOY lazy at all and it is not nice that your husband says and thinks that, We want to be able to do things we just cant sometimes. And I am affraid some people will never understand it. All this and you are full of could bless you xx

We are all here for you to have a rant to and we will listen even if we dont have the answers for you. Have you taken your hubby to dr with you maybe hearing it from a dr might help him understand just a thought

gentle hugs

Penny xxx

tofty profile image

hi helen ye im so forgetful it scary i really worry about myself ,i also get upset coz my parner doesnt understand and accuses me of not listening to him n not telling him everything he even accused me of being secretive, i have to write everything down or i just forget .soft hugs hunni love Toftyxxx

lynz profile image

i really struggle with the fibro fog ,it can get quite upsetting and frustrating ,

i think the worst is trying to remember all the school things i have to do ,

and somtime i go to write on someones blog or answer a question and i have to reread it all cause ive forgot how i was going to respound ,

infact i just did it lol :)

jazher profile image
jazher in reply tolynz

I do that lynz, even type it all out and forget who i am writing it too, and have to check who it is lol xxxx

rosehip profile image

OH YES , yesterday me and my friend were off to morrisons for a coffee and tea cakes and i found myself on the way to asda . derrr

helensib profile image
helensib in reply torosehip

its a nightmare x thanks all xxxxx

Tillybaby profile image

Yes, all the time.I was writing on here earlier and couldn't for the life of me think of the word to describe when a doctor 'lets you go'. After sitting all dopey and trying to think for a good five minutes, it came to me-discharged!! I am like it all the time but my hubby is very forgetful too, so he can't complain at me:))


babebatista profile image

Hi Hunny,

I have this every single day. I have post it notes by the phone constantly now to write things down and when it's in front of me I tend not to forget. I also have a calendar on my iphone to put all of my appointments on with reminders! It's awful. I've had to explain to all of my family members that my memory is shocking, I get confused a lot too. I have trouble reading because the words make me go dizzy and they like jump out at me. Fibro Fog, is definitately a term we all use and it's very very true. It's probably best if you can, to tell your close family/friends at the same time, that you have trouble remembering things, it might help them understand just a little bit. One of the worst things I've had is when I talk to people and I just sort out of zone out. I don't hear what they are saying, so they tell me again, it's awful I know.

Try not to get to upset, It's hard I know. BIg hugs, much love and god bless, Take care xxxxxx

soulsusie profile image

Oh yes just one more of the delights of this chronic condition, Sometimes when I have a consultation with my GP I start a sentence it comes out backwards etc

and sometimes i start talking and forget what I am saying its crazy but I just end up laughing at myself!!!!

Tazzo profile image

not all men are ignorant about this i too have fibro and forget things very quickly so i understand where you're coming from it is very depressing you just need to explain to your husband how it is... x

marion932 profile image

I forget anything and everything! Appointments get missed, shopping forgotten, and my poor sons get frustrated with me.

I am trying to study and I just can't concentrate enough this week to even start my latest assignment.

I even forget the odd word and can't remember the names of common household items and as for names - don't even go there lol

I can even forget half way through a sentence what I was talking about.

I get so fed up with myself so I can understand my family getting frustrated and yes it is sooooo depressing. Hopefully your husband will be understanding when he reads all the comments on the site and realise you are not alone and it is the fibro causing it.


Wenjay profile image

I so know what you are all talking about. My action plan was very basic. I bought a small white board/cork board combi, wrote the days on it and now every sunday evening i write down what I need to know for the coming week from the calender onto it. Any new arrangements have to be written on it or woe betide the culprit who dosn't because it wont happen!!! This lives propped up on my kitchen countertop.

Now I am training my family. If they tell me something about a date they are expected to write it on the calender. If its not on there it's not happenning. I have told them all to check my board and if they spot a glaring error to sort it and tell me. If they moan I have forgotton something they know the first question will be 'is it on the calender/whiteboard?' (I was highly amused recently when my daughter grassed up her dad after she caught him writing an appointment retrospectively on my calender!) If it involves them wanting tea before they go out in the evening at a specific time a text to remind me about 4pm is a good policy or else its 'iffits'.

About once every two weeks my family are expected to synchronise their diaries with the calender because just because they know about it dosn't mean I do. The line 'I told you about it' is not accepted.

In the days of dealing with schools all letters had to be pinned onto the cork board part so they didnt go AWOL because I had picked them up, wandered off with them and then had no idea where to look for them!! Its not a perfect system by any means but it works for me most of the time. I have also found it helped my daughter to be more organised and she now has a similar system in her house. Yes they all moaned at first but now they are starting to see some benefits they mostly co-operate. Make your ground rules, explain them and stick to them and eventually the penny drops.

Then of course there is the back up plans of diary, phone reminders, post it notes all over the car etc etc

Memory, what memory?! I lost mine to a large degree three years ago and since then I can retain what hubby tells me for about 5 minutes and then it's gone! At first I think he thought I was exaggerating until he would ask me to do something during the day and whereas before it would have been done immediately, I would completely forget even being told about it! Thankfully now he fully understands and writes down his requests so I literally fall over them plastered all over the kitchen cupboards lol! I cope with it all by writing everything down, literally everything, even a note to remind me to look at another note, it works for me! Everything to do with the family gets treated in the same way, written down dozens of times and even a reminder to look at the calendar, and reminders to tell me where I've put things! Try not to get upset about it, just cover your tracks with notes and reminders, that should help. I even forget what I'm talking about in the middle of a conversation, I tend to laugh about it and just accept it, but it can be extremely frustrating. Just another joy of Fibro! We are all in the same boat I think :)

Larke profile image

This, after the pain and fatigue is the worst for me. My hubby often said I have a memory like a sucked egg lol. Before dx with Fibro that was true. Now, it's just way worse. It's very frightening for me too.

I read a lot, my whole life I've inhaled books. Consequently I have quite a vocabulary. For me to forget words is like suddenly going blind or deaf. Terrifying at times. Not being able to articulate what you want to say is horrible! But we all here know what that's like.

In the 2 years since I've known that I had Fibro, I have not been able to find one thing that helps with the cognitive issues I have. Just ride it out and try to make light of it all. My hubby and I often joke about my memory. If I didn't laugh, I'd cry :)

So unfortunately I just have no suggestions here. Worse, some of the medication folks with Fibro are given also have the side effect of forgetfulness, memory issues etc. Just like weight gain is a side effect none of us want either! That is a side effect on nearly every pain pill I've tried. No damn fair is it?

I guess the best thing to do is forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for so many things being beyond your control. Forgive yourself for your body betraying you. Forgive yourself for not being able to work anymore and contribute to the family's finances. It's not your fault, no matter how guilty you feel. I've been there and forgiving myself is still a work in progress lol

Sunshine and smiles,



Larke profile image

oh! and I forgot (lol), I use gmail and the google calendar to remind myself of things that need done, or appts I need to get to. It allows you to email a reminder before the event. As I'm online if I'm awake, this works for me. I read email throughout the time I'm online, so I'll always get the notification.

Hi Helen, I'm new here but also have the same problems and have for a few years now. I keep a pad and pen at my side and write everything down and also a list for the next day of things that need to be done and then just tick them off. For backup I also have a calender in the kitchen that I can check, but I often forget to write on that, which is why my trusty pad and pen are always nearby. Hope this helps.

Blessings Denise

ha ha reading these comms was good yes there has got to be a link, coz my short term memory is soooooooooo bad, last night hum said what time is my dentist appointment? erm why should i know? coz i asked you to ring for appt no i said you didnt yes ui did and the note was aslso left by the phone and its gone?? then i went in fridge for butter and there is the note sticking to it??? how did it get there?? the fm monster did it then he asked if i had been out at all, i sat there and actually said i dont know? i had not a clue as to what i had done for ethe last 5 hours so yes i think i def have fibro fog

bumblebee57 profile image

All of the above apply to me too!! even tho its frustrating,annoying and worrying, i think the best way around it is to make a joke of it.My family is used to it now and "help me out" with words i cant remember.i have notes (for the same thing) all over the house,so if i miss it in one room, i see it in another...hopefully...if i remember. Today,i was getting ready for work and halfway down the stairs,i couldnt remember if I'd had a wee or not (high-5 Bacaloca!!) Fibro fog and memory issues are my main symptoms, even above the level of pain.

What a pest this fibro is well I could think of a better word to call


Its not nice it is to forget what people say, I still work and we have

a handover before we start to work, its very hard as I cant follow

the conversation. taking my medication is bad as I cant remember

if I have taken it or not you can see how people take overdozes cant


I must say for me I like to read so its cheep on books as mine lasts

a long time as I read a page and not know what I have read so have

to read it again.

Men are just as bad as us how many times do you tell your husband

some thing and they cant remember you saying it lots of times I bet

its because they dont listen, at least we try we just forget.

rubycat profile image

Thank goodness it is not just me who forgets everything. I forgot how to use the microwave the other day. I just stood in front of it with a totally blank mind (not unusual these days) and I had to get the booklet out of the drawer and read the instructions. i also forgot my mum's phone number the other day and I must speak to her nearly every day. My husband didn't used to have much sympathy with me but I took him to the GP with me one day and since then he has been better, but it took about 8 years for him to start understanding how I feel. Are there any men who suffer with Fibro or is it just women?

Jane64 profile image
Jane64 in reply torubycat

Are there any men who suffer with Fibro or is it just women?

Men do suffer from fibro but not many. I can't remember what the percentage is (surprise surprise!) but it is far less than women.

Jane64 profile image

Yep that's me too! Frustrating to say the least. I hate having a conversation with someone and suddenly I forget what I'm talking about!

I also have this problem when I'm writing, and as an author it can be very annoying having to stop just when things are getting good because I can't remember the word I need.

Wenjay profile image

Oh the joys of brain fog. Somehow, somewhere I have lost my landline phone handset today. I had it earlier in my pocket but no sign of it now. Tried search and rescue by ringing it with my mobile but no joy. lost the garage keys earlier and finally found them. I have 2 hours to find the phone before hubby comes home as he's not very patient where brain fog is concerned. Tum te tum. All fun............NOT!!!!

helensib profile image

I forgot i was baking a cake till i smelt it and then was doing sunday dinner and forgot about the yorkshires in the oven my head has realy gone its realy doing my head in Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Wenjay profile image

Still havn't found the phone. Giving up and going to bed hoping I will find it 2moz!!!

Wenjay profile image

Found the phone today!!!! Found the instruction book and discovered i could page the individual phone. Eventually tracked it down behind the back cushion on my armchair. No idea how it got there but for next time at least i know how to find it!!

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