we are all angry by the dreadful medi... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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we are all angry by the dreadful medical treatment and suffering

7 Replies

no depressive people. although this does creep in due to frustrations endured

7 Replies

the treatment Ive had you wouldnt believe

1 went to last gp in awful pain I was screaming with it, she said no to any meds

2violent bowel movement 7months again she said no to meds

3, she knew I had awful problems with mobility, wouldnt give me a referral for wheelchair

4 wouldny support dla even though she d known me for over 20yrs and could see how much I was suffering

5 Ive a constantly raised esr, so have had loads of bloods test, she would never find out why

6double incontinant for 3 yrs wouldnt give referral to incontinance clinic, just told me see how it goes

7 on every visit always ask me if I was depressed yet*****************************

oh the list goes on

Butterfly54 profile image

Hi lally,sorry to hear of your appaling treatment,so here goe`s.

1) have you thought about changing G.P`s

2)Have you put in a complaint to the practice manager.

3)have you been to the hospital to borrow a wheelchair

4) can`t get as far as 7 but are you depressed yet.

5) your answer to this should be yes.Now what are you going to do about it,you and your attrocious lack of care has caused it

6) can`t get to 7 but please change G.P`s 20 years is a long time to be with the same one and complacency creeps in.She has just watched you cope and put up with it.Oh yes I can get another one.

7) She is lazy,plain and simple.

love and hugs butterfly xxxxxx

Lally i am in exactly the same position as you. i have tried explaining, arguing, crying and the result is always the same. read my comments on the new Poll.

Re: changing GP is not easy or I do not think always the answer. I do not gp's, i have seen them at least four of them in my four years. they know even less and no shown my GP sympathy. i do not dislike my GP. She is senior partner in our practise which is very well run and well respected in our area. they are very modern. however as she rightly states she has budget restrictions and the NHS and Nice guidelines are in opposition to what we have all found out ourselves. she really does not know what treatments and causes lay behind this. i do not dislike my gp. She is a nice lady who takes time to talk, it is that the NHS / NICE guidelines and subsequently the benefit system which is i believe lay behind all our issues.

lally i understand and respect your advice, but i think in this sites attempts to lift our spirits and try and help, the reality out here is really being undermined and something more than just change GP needs to happen. The GP are not being professionally updated by the medical community.

not being negative just realistic. something big needs to happen to help us all and now!

i love this site so we can all talk and share our views. no one else wants to carry on hearing our complaints.

my comments on new poll alternative therapies

my GP has offered non of the alternative therapies. except physio, and CTB but due to illness missed two appointment and the phio department rules you are no longer entitled. i have had to pay for all the other on list from my own funds, this has cost us over £100K in four years :)

NB i am absolutely certain without the supplements and bio science tests, conducted by dr sarah myhill and others i would be dead by now., my physical pain and migraine headaches and ibs and immune skin conditions and dysfunctional cervical spine and fatigue are hideous if i do not take them. over the last four years even with these my health is getting worse. yet all i hear from my gp and rheumatologists is this is not a degenerative condition but i have been diagonisised with ME/CFS along side fibromyalgia.

i know how i feel and i know my body is getting worse. only recently through private tests it has been found i am not absorbing foods, my pancreas is not functioning correctly, so i am now paying for digestive enzymes to help my ibs.

i feel so angry and cheated. i worked full time in high powered job all my life until struck down aged 45 years. i feel very aggrieved i have had to fund and research this condition myself due to the lack of help on nhs.

all the nhs monies spent on dishing out multiple long term pain killers, mucles relaxants, sleeping pills and hundreds of blood tests i believe is a false economy, when if they only but listened and invested money in bio science and research, instead of given some of the KNOWN assistance and relief the above brings would save the nhs money.

the NICE guidelines are long out of date and an absolute waste of public money. now the government are even paying GP £150 for every patient sent to a psychiatrist.

we are not being listened too, face medical and benefit humiliation. are left to seek out knowledge on condition and then educate our gp and if you are lucky and get a good one you still have to be put through the waste of time nice guidelines to meet criteria to keep gp happy. doctors do not like patients informing them on our findings. they see it as a slant on their profession which of course it most certainly is and much more.

we are being deigned our fundamental rights to good health care because majority of doctors are following NIce guidelines and putting there heads in the sand. we are treated as a whining patients and are families are left (if your lucky to retain their support) to deal with us.

GGGGRRRRRRRRRRR :) i am in so much pain today and my migraine is killing me.. sorry was never a negative person but this experience of being medically managed like someone with 'Yuppy flue' is as outdated term as the treatment we are being given.


2 hours ago


ps that should be a <3 miserable smile. my compromised cognatives can't even get that right. my husband who shared my bed last night has gone to work exhausted through having his sleep disturbed by my difficulties sleeping and the noises i make from the pain.

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2 hours ago


i feel medically GP and benefits are getting worse for us not better despite the huge increase we are told is happening in research. why are we still being treated so appalling. WHAT OTHER MAJOR ILLNESS puts their chronically ill patients through so much........... NONE i know off. an absolute disgrace!!!

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2 hours ago


don;t worry peps but it all needs saying :)

I have chanded gps recently, after being with the same practise all my life, had the same gp for over 20yrs, Ive now got my wheelchair coming, I am now being given the correct meds, I now have an appointment for incontinence clinic, Im now being assessed for direct payments, Im now being sent to pain clinic,all this brcause I contacted O T got given a social worker, whos listened to me,its very easy to say were depressed, no we re just bloody fed up with no help no one to listen to us, Im ill , Ive never been depressed before this illness, but its brought me to my knees, I ve seen drs that no nothing about cfs or fibro theyve asked me what it is

feel exactly the same Lally. is O T occupational therapist. my sister called our local council social worker who came and said apart from bars on walls to help with bath there was not much she could do?? yours have been brilliant i might call them again and be firmer.

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