Fibromyalgia Action UK

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4 Replies

Ok my dearest fibro friends i am now going to sign off for the dy i am gonna have alovely hot bath put on my pj s and see if i can sleep for hour at least my sister jus called me and she could tell their was something wrong with me so i told her i am soooo tired she said you feel guikty thats your trouble anboutm going to sleep in the day now go get your head down if you need it go get it so i have well and truely been told now bless her so going to do as i have been told to do for once in my life !!!!!!!!

dont forget its the voice and britains got talent on tonight thats if i am awake in time lol love to you all and hope that you have a lovely evening love to you all Diddle x

4 Replies

Sweet Dreams diddle x

Ang01 profile image

Oh Diddle, hope you sleep better tonight. Your sister is right though, you should not feel guilty if you need to sleep in the day. If your body needs sleep get it whenever you can. xx

Rubberman profile image

Good Night Diddle

Hope you have a good nights sleep

All the best


Oceandeep profile image

hey Diddle, hope you managed a good night's sleep. I didn't. :( In fact, I'm STILL awake..since the day before yesterday! ( even with 2 paracetamol, 2 codeine (60mg) 1 Gabapentin, I Diazepam 5mg and 10ml of Oramorph! I'm new to Gabapentin ( as Lyrica sent me loopy *twitch*) and although on a short term dose of 2x100mg - I think) found it helped wonders with my neck spasms ( broken neck - cause of this wonderful Fybro!!) and now after 3 weeks...they now do nothing for me *sigh*.

Just really dropped in to say that my Physio told me that having a hot bath before bed time..may help relax the muscles when taken..they're not good before bedtime. because we then get in to bed and go to sleep. ( what ever that is!) She explained that because the muscles are then nice, soft and relaxed and we don't use we sleep, they set like concrete! Making morning stiffness all the more worse. She recommended a nice warm shower and then to have the bath in the morning to help loosen the muscles and so aid the body 'to get going'. Seems actually pretty logical and so for some time now, I've stuck to this method. There are times though - like when you've made a huge effort during the day, a hot, soothing bath in the evening is THE only thing you want - right? So, if I can get up (when i'm in flare-down mode) I have a bath at night..and one in the morning..the morning bath really, really does help. Anyway..I can just about make out the letters on my I'm gonna 'try' and have some kind of nap/sleep. I'm peed-off today, as my neck and lack of sleep have kept me home. Hubs and all the family have gone on up to the In-laws for a wonderful ( and one of the best cooked Sunday Roasts - cooked by hubs' father) with double chocolate fudge cake for pudding and lot's of lovely Easter, here I am, yet again 'left out' and feeling pretty crapsville.

Sorry for that little self pity little ramble there, at the end. I do hope that you are

~{ALL}~ having a wonderful Easter. Enjoy the egg's everyone.

*gentle hugs all round*

~Sandra xxx <3

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