also does the same question apply when applying for the PIP Assessment Form
do you have to score 15+ points for e... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
do you have to score 15+ points for every question asked on the ESA50 Assessment Form to qualify for the Benefit

its my understanding you need to score 15 in total I scored 6 for not being able to walk far, nothing for anything else so was told I was fit for work, as a community carer, that was a joke if I couldnt walk how could I stand or lift patients
I also understand it is 15 in total, i scored 12 and it was uped when I appealed.
I'm not sure about PIP as I don't think the form has been finalised yet
I scored 15 and still not put in support group.
I have appealed what happens next, due to lose my money end April, will i get it back if I win.
Go to DWP page it explains all things on there
I was awarded my DLA indefinately but hate the thought have having to prove again I am disabled to get PIP. I loose my ESA at the end of this month as I am on contribution based ESA and you can only have it for one year yet I have paid contributions for over 42 years. Makes no sense but then most of what the government do makes no sense.
Hi Ebony
Dont quite understand what you mean about can only have ESA for a year, im on contribution based ESA and have been since 2009 i got assessed in jan this year and still got my award???
maybe i missunderstood you or im abit thick lol xx
hi ebony
i have just found this sight and am happy to see that you have DLA i have just lost an appeal at the tribunal, feeling rather devastated but i have asked for the full written reasons so that i can appeal the tribunal. wondered if you had any tips i just get so foggy brained at times it does my head in. I have for over ten years been on Incapacity and was told by my social security officer i should be entitled to DLA but its getting so hard with this damed goverment
The government has just altered alot of benefit rules and one was that contributions based ESA is only for one year, I got a phone call about 3 three weeks ago from the DWP to tell me this and that I would need to apply for another benefit. You only keep getting it if you are in the support group.
this link tells you about it
Hope this helps you
It is 15 points in total to qualify for ESA but dont know much about PIP at the moment xx
My benefit was stopped 9 days before I was informed I had Nil points and needed to go to Job Centre and sign on Jobseekers !!! My doctor said that my benefit should not have been stopped and to continue sending in sick notes. Being new to the begging game (and that's what it feels like), I am at a loss. Got appointment with CAB next week. Hope they can help.
I found CAB very helpful. I got my DLA very quickly with their help. But ESA is a different matter. Most people will be asked to attend a medical and 80% of those will be turned down for the benefit and have to appeal. My medical is on 17th and I am already thinking about the appeal wich I will go to the CAB for help with.
it will be interesting if the ones doing the Medical have any Medical Knowledge or understanding,as this i am finding with most departments regardless as to there position,"Ignorance" but its us that suffer longterm,and as we all say how much longer in life do we have to PROVE our condition or ability/Disability!!!!!