Happy New Year Everyone 🥂 small query my meds have been revised from Duloxetine to venaflexine for Fybro, has anyone used this tablet please
Happy New Year Everyone 🥂 pharmacist... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Happy New Year Everyone 🥂 pharmacist advised Med change !

I haven’t used it ever for my fibromyalgia as it’s an anti depressant but I have been on venlafaxine for 7 years for depression. Warning, it’s notoriously a very hard medication to withdraw from. And do not miss doses.
what dose do you take?
hi, I take both duloxetine120mgs for fibromyalgia, I couldn’t take gabapentin duloxetine does help a bit have been on them now for about 6 years they are used also for diabetes neuropathy., I’m also on VENLAFAXINE 75mg morning and 125mg at night, also along with a few other meds like zopiclone 7.5mg diazepam 5 mg, and my pain relief is dhydrochloride 2x 3 times a day along with paracetamol with give opioid relief instead of patches, didn’t want fentanyl patch as you can control tabs better than patches causes once on them you go up and up with them, I have a lot of issues just not fibro why so much meds, I had breast cancer which my treatment has caused lots of issues, bowel bladder constant uti antibiotics every night been on trimethoprim for 7years cause the minute I stop uti again also took hiporex with them but stop then 2 years ago retaining lots of fluid. Antihistamine every day for constant itch plus few more, duloxetine worked well at beginning but not so much now waiting to see neurosurgeon as I had a TIA MINI STROKE IN June. I need my meds reviewed, I also have cervical stenosis thoracic stenosis and lower lumbar stenosis which is the worse. As for VENLAFAXINE cannt say has helped with pain but all meds work different in people. Yes VENLAFAXINE is an antidepressant but it helps relax you in which hopes to help relax your body and nerves which helps to reduce pain. The one I found good at the start was Amitriptyline at a low dose yes antidepressants again but in low dose great for relaxing nerve endings took 5 mg and had a good sleep also. But due to breast cancer and cancer meds I had to come off them, also weight gain with them rapidly, but with duloxetine small weight loss. But as I say everyone different and venelafaxine worth a try.
Thank you so much for your reply. I was on Duluxotine (high dose), very low dose of Venlafaxin found it was working well, also co-codamol on really hard days. I am on a Blood pressure tablets also. The Pharmacist then contacted the GP stating I should not be on both tablets Duloxotine & Venlafaxin so take me off one and up the dose. mI kept stressing is this for my Fybro and the Dr was more stating it will help with Depression. My argument was i came to you for help with Fybro not Deoression.....so i'm really confused now
I just want to say i am so sorry for everything you are going through Erica.
Thank you, i get so fed up at times I think what’s the point, but I have a daughter whom lives with me and is 21 just went through all her training for police and passed, she is the only reason I try to keep going, I was married and when diagnosed with breast cancer due to fatigue and not well, he decided to look elsewhere for his comforts, please don’t say sorry, as it was the best thing that happened to me, he was a toxic abusing man.
My daughter is my main priority, I don’t have any family near me as I moved to his area for his job, both mum and dad gone now, I do have a brother who lives about 2hrs drive away from me he was an architect he’s 55 but was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 6 years ago and he’s deteriorating rapidly, his partner walked out on him when he was diagnosed, ( we know how to pick them) my brother and I are in contact most days. I’ve to put the clowns face on for every one, but deep down I could just run away, ( might only get 20yrds ) as I have a stick. I have a wee dog also that is my other wee baby she sleeps with me and is the best company ever and she’s doesn’t answer back haha. I will be 60 next month, and I just want to see my daughter settled ( got a lovely boyfriend just now) but she wants in to the dog handling in police which is so hard to get into, but if she makes it and I see her happy and settled. That’s it, I’ve done my job, I have no motivation for anything anymore. Life can be so cruel at times, I must have been one nasty person in my past life haha, as I’m paying for it now. You get so fed up with going to doctors and hospitals, and you still don’t know what’s fully wrong with you. You go from one department to another. Sorry for ranting but it’s good to do it here as people understand you, I so hope you got you issues sorted with medication, I was told also can’t be on both medication at same time, by gp, but my consultant stepped in and he said he prescribed them and medication to stay as it was. Thank you for listening and understanding take care xx
Hi there. I was switched from duloxetine to Venlefaxine two years ago as the duloxetine was becoming less effective. I take it for depression although it is supposed to help me with anxiety which in turn helps with the fibro.It's difficult to tell if they are helping with the fibro as I take Gabapentin as well. I was taking amitriptyline too for pain but my Dr wants me to come off these so I'm doing that at the moment. I'm not convinced that it's working but we'll see.
I was on Venaflaxin many years ago and they gave me severe epileptic fits.
I ended up in hospital. I would say this drug helps many people I’m sure but take with caution.
I take venlafaxine for my depression and anxiety disorders. I don't know if it helps with the pain. But, it does help with the depression and anxiety. But, as someone else has already said above, it is a very difficult medication to come off of. I get awful withdrawal symptoms if I forget to take even one dose, which is my main issue with it.
Can i ask did you have any symptoms going onto it ie. headaches, feeling sicky, weight loss/gain.... xx
I had no side effects when I started venlafaxine but I had already tried many other medications for depression before of which some made me suicidal and some had awful side effects: when I went onto Venlafaxine I either didn’t notice any side effects (!) Or I was just so used to them….
I have been taking Venlafaxine for the last year. Since taking it I have noticed when I have a flare up my fatigue has lessened quite considerably. Yes, you have to make sure you take it at the same time every day otherwise you do get withdrawal symptoms but it has really helped me 🙂
Thanks so much Bethenny. Not many seem to be taking this medication and i was concerned i was being fobbed off tbh
It’s not the most widely used medication due to the strength and withdrawal. I had to try many many anti depressants before I was put on venlafaxine it is not often you will just be given it and usually doses are low to begin with
yes, I’ve been using venlafaxine for many years. No side affects that I know of.
I realize I am not on subject but. My doctor has been using amantadine for fibro with success. I have only been on it one week and it has made a big difference.
It's not very helpful when you are not being heard by a doctor. A lot of them don't consider the interaction with other drugs, but I have heard of Duloxetine being the most helpful antidepressant for fibromyalgia pain. It worked for me but I couldn't take it due to many side effects. I was put on 300mg twice daily before it became a controlled substance due to abuse (so I just reduced that over 6 months) I also hear amitryptaline can be good but again I couldn't take this due to my mouth being unbearably dry. Although doctors "should" know about the interactions with certain drugs people are all different (fortunately) and we can feel like we are being experimental guinea pigs but I am sure we are not. The main problem with antidepressants is that you have to be on them for a month or two to find out IF they are right for YOU. And this can seem like forever if you have depression as well as pain. You have done the best thing by asking on here for clarification as it seems like you got none from your doctor. The best of luck with whatever you take but I do like the saying that "meditation is better than medication" I am most certainly not saying don't take medication though, just maybe try meditation too. Less side effects for sure. 🤭