Just feeling scared and lonely Just got diagnosed with fibromyalgia arthritis in my back schmorls node metabolic syndrome degenerative disk disease restless leg syndrome lock jaw syndrome adhd depression anxiaty ptsd Bpd reactive airway disease i went from a healthy 23year old to now having to use a walker in a matter of a month extremely lonely and scared and can’t really find the info I’m looking for and I’m just a mess so I geuss I’m just starting out but I’m not doing to good mentally and physically
looking for possible calming methods ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
looking for possible calming methods and to talk to somebody

Oh sweetie I'm sending you heartfelt hugs 🤗 and a willing ear.You're In the right place for advice and love.
I'm bpd and bpd.
I was devastated when I had to use my Zimmer frame but it really helps. But at 23 it must be a shock.
I really feel for you.
Read through the posts and see who you identify with no matter their age🙂.
I've had Fibro since I was 8 years old as well as severe anxiety depression and insomnia.
My mother would beat the cribs out of me if I mentioned being in pain so I stopped complaints until I got out of care then realised no one healthy gave a moo. But we care so please don't give up.
Post any time.
Hugs sweetie Dawn 🤗🤗🤗

It is perfectly normal to be scared and you should not be afraid to talk about your fear with your loved ones and friends.When working with your doctors to get better, be patient and ask questions. Ask them how long does it take for the medication to work, and ask if they drugs you take have any potential interaction that you need to know about. You should aim to go outdoors and move around regularly even in pain. Movement lessens pain.
This is temporary and you will get better. Be brave!
Well the good thing is you reached out on here and that is a good start.
Might be worth talking to your GP re CBT/Pain management, My GP has put me forward and I was quite surprised by the solution offered by the talking therapy team but I am giving it a whirl . Its called Social Prescribing so will look at all areas of your life mental health/fibro/social lfe/money worries /work. Its like being supported by a team of specialists to keep you upright and moving forward.
I have just started but first call made me think oh wow someone is taking this pressure off me.
Hi Hun, I went thro the same feelings, its overwhelming and intimidating and your struggling to understand why me!!!! My family are good but unless their in my shoes they don't get why I'm tired all the time due to the pain, we get good days and bad, but the only advice I can give is talk to a group like this who are there for you and truly understand. The other advice I was given is see your body like a battery you only have a certain amount of energy so use it carefully and prioritise your time, whats essential and what can wait.I hope this is helpful and If you want to talk do it.
Hi Doglover2121Big gentle fibro.hug
It can be so scary when pain is bad and you have a diagnosis of a combination of conditions. Everything can feel overwhelming and you feel the panic,that panic makes you sicker.
As other replies say,get your team around you and look for what helps.
Nature,being creative, meds,talking,exercise,pets. Find the things that calm you and reduce the panic even a bit. When you are in panic you believe nothing can help but they can.
We are all individual. I hope you find glimmers of calm that help you cut through the panic and find a way forward.
Take care of you.