Just a quick thought, does anyone else think long Covid is very much the same as fibromyalgia? could it be that the covid has caused Fibro and it's not long covid at all? They say the fibro can stem from some sort of trauma or illness/injury! It's just that most of the symptoms of long covid match my fibro, so all I can say is "welcome to our world", funny though how they are taken seriously when most fibro patients aren't! Just a thought peeps, just a thought...
Just a thought...: Just a quick thought... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Just a thought...

Hi there, we have had quiet a few posts on this topic. This was our most recent posts with many replies. You may like to read what some of our members had to say.healthunlocked.com/fibromya...
I dont know if you are aware that you can lock your post to this community. Also locked posts tend to get more replies
Afternoon, I had covid twice last year, in April a mild dose and then covid pnumenitus in November. Diagnosed with long covid in January this year. 6 months on they are now saying I have and are treating me for Fibromyalgia. My sister was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia two years ago after living with the symptoms for a number of years. So I’m very new to this, but still have no taste or smell since covid in November.
I caught Covid last April last year that is. I already had Fibromyalgia and had it for years. But I notice that covid can aggravate fibro. With my covid I didn't have the serious breathing problems but it was like have a mild case of flu. Then my skin broke out in the most horrendous 'rash' with skin peeling and in the most intimate places as well as arms and legs and the itching was horrid. Only now has the skin condition subsided but still in places but tolerable. Just given creams by dermatologist and steroids initially. But since I had covid my fibro seems to be worse and also I have coeliac disease and my stomach seems to be more sensitive. They are still finding out about Covid and the long term effects etc. Of course if one has had covid it could possibly trigger fibro but one would have to check this out with the relevant medics.
I just found this article and its very interesting. theguardian.com/society/202...
I posted about this earlier and its not really connected to covid in anyway at this time. Attaching it to covid is a bit of an overreach at present and mentioned once in the paper very tangentially.
Sorry I had just read above post and when i switched to fb it was there so shared as it might be of interest to see where it could go. I am not convinced they are the same either but with similar traits and further study some good might come out of it that is why I shared to offer hope for those having a bad day x
I tend to agree, that it is Very similar to Fibro. I think that time will sort it out, and I am hopeful that the Scientists/Medics will see what we have been saying all along, We Aren't Imagining it! It Is Real!
Cheers Midori