Can fibromyalgia and CFS/ME co exist? - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Can fibromyalgia and CFS/ME co exist?

Sazzer01 profile image
41 Replies

Hi everyone, do you know if you can have fibromyalgia and CFS/me at the same time?

I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 8 weeks ago but the rheumatologist said that you can't have fibro and me at the same time. He is a specialist in both areas but my body is completely screwed. Everything I do is exhausting, I sleep pretty well thankfully.

Any advice is very welcome xx

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Sazzer01 profile image
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41 Replies


I've heard that you can have both but you could check with your Dr if you are concerned. I'm not medically trained so you should also seak medical advice. Please take care Lynne

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply to

Thank you Lynne, I have a phone appointment with him on Friday morning so I will talk with him about it then.

in reply toSazzer01

Please be let me know how you get on and let him fib you off. Take care Lynne

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply to

Thank you, I will do xx

in reply toSazzer01

You are very welcome. Take care Lynne

Yes I have that. It’s hell. I would ask for a referral to a neuro psychiatrist they actually are better suited to dealing with getting it all organized your body shut down from going through stuff they can help you deal. It’s a tough time I’m not doing great but I’m trying very hard and trying to ignore symptoms and stress. Honestly ask to see one

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply to

Thank you, I will. I'm massively struggling at the moment, I'm sorry that you are too xx

Sarahvit profile image

Yes you can have both I was diagnosed back in 94 and one of the many doctors I saw was a rheumatologist! He confirmed the diagnosis of fibromyalgia and CFS. CFS was changed to ME later after 2004 maybe later than that. 🤔? I have seen too many doctors from WY, UT, FL, SD, and several doctors in Dalington, Florence, Rock Hill and Fort Mill SC and Pineville NC. Not one ever said you can’t have both. I have never read anything saying you can’t have both. I was in a study on FM and CFS out in Seattle WA that lasted from 95 to 05 and none of those doctors said that you can’t have both. It was a identical twin study where one twin was healthy and the other one was sick with FM, CFS or both. So unless there is very recent study that he has inside information on than there isn’t anything that backs up what this rheumatologist is saying. I have found that several people from different support group have both Fibromyalgia and ME.🤷🏼‍♀️ This is just going by what I have learned over that last 27yrs. 🤗💕🦋🌻🌷💜

Sazzer01 profile image

Thank you so much x

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

Hi, I know a few people who have been diagnosed with both. In all cases, they had their ME diagnosis first, then fibromyalgia at a later date.

nadine111 profile image

i have both. i sometimes think that cfs can be the worse of the two. i was recently diagnosed with parkinsons. they keep telling me that i need to exercise daily except pain is worse after exercising. i feel like i'm caught in a terrible cycle with no correct answer how to deal with this new addition. anyone else have the three?

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply tonadine111

I'm sorry to hear that you have Parkinson's as well, I have a friend with it. Sending love xx

Gabbygarvs1 profile image


I have been diagnosed with both. I was diagnosed with CFS/ME first and then my neurologist diagnosed the fibromyalgia. He told me that he quite often finds that both conditions go hand in hand.

Hope this helps and there is light at the end of the tunnel. I find hypnotherapy helps keep mine under control xx

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply toGabbygarvs1

Thank you xx

Roselil profile image
Roselil in reply toGabbygarvs1

I also have both illnesses, first diagnosed with severe M.E. and then later, Fibromyalgia. I am severely ill with loss of voice, much difficulty in eating and drinking too. I can choke on trying to drink. I am also disabled, which was the result of having virtually 3 years confined to bed between 1986-1989.

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply toRoselil

I'm so sorry to hear that you are this ill. With me it's the debilitating fatigue. Xx

Roselil profile image
Roselil in reply toSazzer01

Yes, disabling fatigue is the main symptom, I am sorry to say. Get all the rest you need. it comes hard when once one was so active.

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply toRoselil

My O.T came over today and I told her everything, she was supportive and lovely. I slept for 2 hours after she left xxx

Gjkas profile image

Hi Sazzer01,good morning .Yes you can have M.E.the same time as Fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed with both of them 10 years ago. M.E. is more or less the same thing as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was told that when I wanted to do a little job, that's exactly what they meant. A LITTLE,,then rest. It's really hard to do things like that when you're so used to being busy all the time. I was told to think of it as BOOM OR BUST. If you do too much and push yourself too much one day , then the next day you will just Bust , and it won't be just exhaustion, the pain will be much worse as well. I tried Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioural therapy ,ive had Depo Steroid injection ,Acupuncture etc.

,but it didn't really help me.I have a lot of other medical problems going on and they were making things worse for me. Anyway Sazzer you take care and don't go pushing yourself, you will only make things worse. I'm not a Doctor, but I do know what you are going through because I'm going through it as well. Hope you have a good day today, but don't forget the BOOM AND BUST Issue. Wishing you well Gjkas.


in reply toGjkas

Gjkas like you I’ve lots of problems too and fibromyalgia and CF were just another happy add on...not!!! It’s taken years to learn boom or bust and as I was a fit healthy dealing with the other crap which was easy enough that when fibro hit I just could never get that balance.

Today I’m having accupuncture and then going to meet a friend. But she knows that after accupuncture I might not make it!! 😂😂

I have lots of brilliant ideas then my body says err no you idiot!! Still work in progress and in no shape or form can you cheat the system!!

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply to

Oh how I wish you could cheat the system. I hope you managed to see your friend x

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Daisy i know what you mean. I often think of things that I want to do. But thats as far as it goes. Your head might tell you one thing and then you're body tells you something else. Glad you're going to Acupuncture, hope it helps you. When I had Acupuncture it made me feel very tired, and more relaxed, but it didn't help the pain. But then everyone is not the same,so fingers crossed it will help you. There's nothing worse than pain all the time is there.let me know how things go for you. Take care and look after yourself. Gjkas.xx.

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply toGjkas

Thank you so much. I have a lovely O.T who is coming over on Friday to discuss pacing.

KateMaguire profile image

Definitely you can have both. I was diagnosed with radiotherapy fatigue originally which then developed into CFS/ME and then went on to develop fibro. The CFS is a very difficult thing to deal with but it doesn't usually have the pain and other problems you have with fibro. I think you need to talk to someone else about this- or your consultant didn't realise what he was saying! Take care. Xx

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply toKateMaguire

I am going to. My previous doctor said I had chronic fatigue then I got diagnosed with coeliac disease and it was never brought up again, I have chronic pain in my hands as well but the fatigue is debilitating, I can barely drive the kids to and from school, cook, clean or do anything. Anything I manage to do I have to have a massive lie down after, it's rediculous.

My daughter and I walked down the lane to see the pigs and piglets this morning, I had a job to do it, we used to walk miles and I was never anywhere near as exhausted as I am now.

If we go food shopping I have to stop regularly just to catch up with myself. I hate this so much xx

Roselil profile image

Well I was diagnosed years ago with M.E. and then later with Fibromyalgia, so yes, you can certainly have both at the same time. So sorry. Love Roselil

KateMaguire profile image

It’s so frustrating, I know. But you will have better days and I tend to hoard my strength-if I know I am going somewhere on a certain day I do all I can to make sure I know how long the journey takes,how far I will have to walk to go to the loo,are there steps/stairs to negotiate etc and then I make sure I rest for at least one full day before I’m going there. Google “spoon theory/fatigue “ it explains in a way that you can share with partner,friends and family to help them understand how CF is affecting you. Keep your chin up! Hope you feel better soon. xx

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply toKateMaguire

I do the same, I've been looking up spoon theory and Ive got a chart in the kitchen to help me regulate but it's so bloody hard, especially with the kids, I feel so guilty as I'm not the mum I should be xx

KateMaguire profile image

Sweetie, it’s not your fault, you’re doing your best and if you stress it just makes the fibro and the fatigue so much worse. Have your local hospital or doctors got any seminars or workshops that you can attend to learn more about it all and formulate a few plans to get you moving forward? I’m in Devon and my local hospital has a great supportive network to help with fibromyalgia but it seems to be different in other areas. Try to delegate as many jobs and chores between family and pace yourself. Just keep telling yourself it’s a bad day,it will pass. Thinking of you- I am always here, along with every other member to talk to. We all know what you are going through. xx

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply toKateMaguire

Thank you, the pain clinic are running a special fibromyalgia course on September and I go to a local group every Monday, they are fantastic.

Gjkas profile image

Good Morning Sazzer01 hope you have a good day today. It must be hard when you have kids. I think you're doing just Great trying to muddle through it all. We have 3 grown up Sons. But when our Grandsons bring their kids to visit. OH BOY.After about an hour i am absolutely shattered. But this is the trouble with Fibromyalgia.We feel the pain but nobody can bloody see it so they think we are okay. I go to Pain Management Clinic, only trouble is we only get to see her about once every 10 months. Dont put yourself down Sazzer01, you're doing your best, and as your Kids get older they'll understand.I know it's easier said than done. But you must look after yourself as best as you can, because if you get really ill,what's gonna happen then.Who would look after them.They are off school now as well so try and find them something to do that isn't too noisy that doesn't involve you. T

Then perhaps you could relax for a couple of hours. Gotta get your old mojo going again. I really hope you have a good day today, not in too much pain. The Sun is out, take advantage of it while you can. Thinking of you. Take care. X

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply toGjkas

Thank you so much, my kids are 10 and 13 both have ADHD and autism. They are both fantastic, they are both really blunt and honest so they tell me when I look unwell and they snuggle me up on the sofa! I'm really lucky to have them 😊 my husband tries his best at the weekend.

Pain is low today thankfully, I hope that yours is too xx

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply toSazzer01

Oh Sweetie, i think you are doing just Great. Both your Kids have Autism AND ADHD.You really do have your hands full. On top of all that you have the DEVILS Disease Fibromyalgia. It must be so hard on you and your Husband at times.i know Autistic Children can be really so blunt and also say what they think or want. My eldest Son married a girl with an Autistic Son from a previous relationship..First of all i thought oh my God my Son won't be able to cope with his tantrums. But they get on really well. The boys Father didn't know what to do with him, never played with him or anything like that. Well my Son have learned him to swim and play games, he said to me Mum don't worry he's just Great. I think they have more Lego in his bedroom than they have in Legoland And the boy would rather be with my Son than his Father. I can tell by what you have wrote that THEY LOVE YOU VERY MUCH ,AND YOU LOVE THEM. And thats the main thing. But wouldn't it be just perfect if we could get rid of this Disease. Just maybe in the near future, the nearer the better. Oh, I WISH. I WISH. GOODNIGHT GOD BLESS TO YOU AND YOUR LITTLE FAMILY .XX

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply toGjkas

Your son sounds amazing, you must be so proud of him.

I really do wish we could get rid of this horrid disease, I miss me, I miss working, I just desperately miss my old life.

Sending lots of hugs your way xx

YASMINTINA profile image

Hi there I have been diagnosed with both by my doc, think the CFS came 1st then Fibro , both together can be very debilitating so you have my empathy, it’s normally the Cfs that makes me come to a half, I normally rest up and take each day, but yes the pain as well not a nice combination. Yes speak to your doctor I’ve never heard a medical professional say this before. Take care xx

Sazzer01 profile image
Sazzer01 in reply toYASMINTINA

Thank you xx

Daftney profile image

Yes you can have both as do I with an arrange of a few more besides!!!! Lol 😆 I have to laugh otherwise I’d cry 😢 I have amitriptyline to help me sleep but always find that my sleep is never restful. XZzzzXx

Sazzer01 profile image

Hi, I try to paint a smile on as well the best that I can.

Amitriptyline makes me feel ill so I can't take it, I listen to stories to help me fall asleep but I'm the same, sleep doesn't feel like I've slept x

Koomaroo2 profile image

Hi,yes,i was diagnosed with both at the same time two years ago.

Sazzer01 profile image

Thank you x

diww1 profile image

I was diagnosed with ME and CFS in 1992

As I’ve said in another reply to you I may have fibromyalgia waiting on rheumatology appointment

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