Hi I've not posted in a while & when I did I was fairly low having been turned down for PIP & medical retirement at work. Still no luck with work & I am waiting for an appeal date. My appeal for medical retirement was turned down so I am being dismissed under ill health although I did have a letter out of the blue last week from the Doctor who is the final person who rubberstamps if you like my retirement refusal. He has said to be fair to mr he wants to write to my consultant again & ask him specific questions relating to the pension criteria. My consultant has already done a report for them at the start of my application but obviously this doctor doesn't feel that he has covered particular points. It may not change the outcome but it is refreshing that he hasn't just automatically dismissed it having seen his 2 colleagues have already refused to award the pension.
The good news is regarding my ESA. I had been in the assessment phase for 35 weeks & then was finally invited to a phase to phase appointment at my local job centre. I was dreading it as the lady who did my PIP interview was very unpleasant & made me feel uncomfortable. The lady doing the ESA assessment was very pleasant & gave me chance to speak & my mum who accompanied me was given time to speak also. I was over the moon this week when the letter arrived saying they had put me in the support group & backdated everything to week 13. I've still got some battles ahead but that certainly was a most welcome surprise as I had expected another disappointment.
Wishing everybody else lots of luck xxx