Seeking any advice please.: I'm a woman... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Seeking any advice please.

jensw profile image
27 Replies

I'm a woman in her late 40 and I have had IBS (A) for a long time

I've had lots of different tests done over the years and was told it was just I.B.S

I have managed for years with me cutting out foods and alcohol.

So self planning on foods and lifestyle was needed.Sometimes weeks being really bad over weeks a little better.

I have managed to acquire some conditions over the years which are reflux and high blood pressure and on going conditions.

I'm not keen on hospitals as I spent a long time having blood test and so on a few years ago but about 2 to 3 years ago I started having a lot of pain under my left boob

My GP convinced me to go to hospital again and just have another look so I did it and was told it was just I.B.S and she couldn't understand why I get pain under my left boob.

She mentioned about doing the FODMAP which I did do the previous year which made me very ill and I only have a limited Diet before I went to the hospital so now after doing the diet i have lost more food groups.My food is pretty boring but i do my best and eat small but regular.

I'm unable to eat high-fibre as I have IBS (A) which is diarrhoea and constipation so toilet too much with high-fibre.I try to find a way of doing my diet myself which can be hit and miss.

So with the pain under my boob and more in my joints and lower back i had more test done in early 2014 and in early 2015 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia as winters are really bad adding more pain.

Then 6 months later I was diagnosed with C.F.S & M.E which came about as i asked the dr why i was still getting pains in my hips plus lower back.

Well i still have pain under my left boob the bloatness is quite extreme and now thanks to my new conditions ( Yes i seem to be collecting them) I don't seem to be able to regulate go to the toilet, food not doing anything different and bloating and burping all the time.

I do have medication for reflux as well as IBS and high bloodpressure and I drink plenty of water and eating healthy.I don't go mad with the wheat and dairy.

So if anyone has a suggestions of how to help me with this because I'm exhausted with it and it's extremely limiting to my life.

I've had children so it's a bit like that but at least that in a few months you have a child. This has been going on way too long now I'm struggling with the doctor I think he just doesn't know what else to do now so any suggestions please.I have tried the peppermint oil which I had a very bad reaction to and my stomach is super sensitive just to add insult to injury. I usually know within a few days if i can keep taking them or not.

My pain is quite extreme and I'm at my wits end, so what to do.I tried the dr again and he gave me Bascopan and after 2 days im struggling with these.( I usually do 2 to 5 days depending on the reaction)

I'd really would like some type of solution or ideas, suggestions please to get back to my "Normal"

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jensw profile image
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27 Replies
Sorebones profile image

I am going to apologise for asking as you have been dragged from pillar to post with your medical problems, but have you been tested for coeliac disease? Or even gluten intolerance? My niece is a severe coeliac and is so upset by gluten that even a knife used on something with gluten sets her off with very similar symptoms to yourself. It's yet another diagnosis Drs are reluctant to give 🐸

jensw profile image
jensw in reply to Sorebones

You no i have been a member for years and i thought why not give a better explanation for a change instead of just asking so it is long.

thank you for your very direct responce lol i like it . You get to a point where you can"Just go on too much " And thats me as i type the way i talk .. A Lot.

Anyway i have been tested for coelic loads of times and as i have done the FODMAP which made me ill then that covers dairy too. Thanks for you ideas though i do like a direct approach lol

Sorebones profile image
Sorebones in reply to jensw

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I am on Omeprazol for my reflux. If the bloating gets too uncomfortable I take windeze. (Not sure that's the right spelling). I am the most charming of companions when my tummy rebels lol. One of these days I will forget I'm in company when the wind starts lol. Hope someone can be of more help. My dad always said "better an empty house than a bad tenant" lol 🐸

jensw profile image

ha ha your dad was right ;-)

I get that pain before a IBS attack I usually take myself to bed and within a hour my IBS kicks in I used to use buscopan its good but it also weakens you bladder mussels so I stopped taking it I find taking indigestion medication helps

jensw profile image
jensw in reply to

i am having some problem weeing since i starting taking them. I do have reflux so i have that covered. I have very dry mouth with them though, thanks for you message,it helps.

Hi there sorry to hear about your problems. If you could re post this post on the IBS forum - there are lots of people who suffer as you do with similar conditions and may be able to give you more advice. I have bloating and gas etc and I take organic, raw cider vinegar before meals (Braggs, from Amamzon). This helps me with bloating and digestion problems so you may want to try it.

I take mine in warm water, about 2 teaspoons and sometimes with a little honey.

Kinds regards.

Edit: Sorry, just noticed that you have posted in IBS!

jensw profile image
jensw in reply to

hi there, im allergic to vinegar for thank you for that,

I take tablets of reflux oh and i have that covered is a little bit odd things that can help me my body says no but thank you for all your information it does help,

in reply to jensw

Ok no problems. I hope you find something to suit. It's all trial and error with digestive problems.

Good luck!

jensw profile image
jensw in reply to

trial and error is my life lol

niquay_ profile image
niquay_ in reply to

I too take this it's unbelievable. Really works and If I miss it comes right back .

in reply to niquay_

Great! So glad it works for you. And yes, it does come right back if you miss. You must have low stomach acid like me!

Lou1062 profile image

I was very similar to you with bloating, my Daughter, a nurse, suggested lactose intolerance, I now use lactose free products an don't suffer nearly as much, just a thought. I know what its like with limited diet but when you get it right its quite a relief, can take ages. xxx

jensw profile image
jensw in reply to Lou1062

Hi I did a fodmap diet and I have had a celiac check and I'm not celiac but thank you very much for the information,when it comes to the diet I'll be happy when I find it right I do seem to get it right and then someone else comes up and i have to start again. I will get there in the end ;-)

Jensw. I have attached a link for you to have a look at... It may be of benefit:


TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to

Thanks ryanbone, that is a very good free guide and well worth a read x :)

jensw profile image
jensw in reply to

I will take a look thank, any help is received and and appreciated

TheAuthor profile image

I am so genuinely sorry to read this and I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution to these issues. I was wondering if you have been tested for Lactose Intolerance? As I am lactose intolerant and have similar issues.

I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you


jensw profile image
jensw in reply to TheAuthor

yes i have had all the tests and more, sadly no joy there. Thank for you kind words ;-)

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to jensw

Sorry about that, I genuinely hope that you can find the answers :)

niquay_ profile image

This is awful and I know there's no 2 people with fybromyalgia and exactly the same symptoms but my problem started with gas and burping after gastroenteritis 4 yrs ago . Was given medication it would go but come back especially when I seemed stress . I lost weight and took a total new eat clean root which defo improved symptoms pain and inflammation under the left boo also very tender to touch . Was diagnosed with fybro 2 years later after numerous symptoms . Saw an a and e doc who believed I had h pylori and all the symptoms. Had tests but they don't always show . Look it up and leaky gut too defo associated I believe. Was still prescribed medicines for acid reflux . Gas you name it and after pains like I was dying from appendicitis I saw a dr who looked at my records and told me to stop taking all what had been prescribed. Well with 24 hrs I was feeling better . I'm not saying do the same but look into it . Many of these medicines cause so much similar items . Like the migraine medication I was give that may cause headaches and nausea , well why on earth would I take them then . I'm in so much pain everyday and sick of it but we got to carry on no matter . Work , kids etc . I defo couldn't function if I took all the medication that had been prescribed to me. Sending gentle hugs and hope x

jensw profile image
jensw in reply to niquay_

thank you and i feel your pain. For me and my over Sensitive bowel and stomach tablets always have a effect, sadly not always for the bettter.

I have tried a few and i now take the very basic but even that has its issues,

I have tried what you said when i was ill a few years ago and couldnt keep anything down. Reintroducing was a nightmare but hey these things are sent to try us lol, thank for your message.

rosewine profile image

Just thought I would mention that my IBS used to be terrible but strangely when. I was prescribed Pregablin for help with the neuropathic pain I get as part of my fibro within a few days I found that the IBS pains seemed to be getting quite a bit better and since then my IBS has been so much better. I mentioned this tomyGO and he said that of course the gut has nerve endings and the Pregablin would have a beneficial effect on them as well. Before then like you I think k I had tried every remedy there was for IBS.

Do hope that you can find something g to help as IBS on top of all your other problems is another load you could do without have to suffer.x

jensw profile image

ah thanks for that, i will take a look :-)

dawniee2121 profile image

Had all them sytoms down to a its all gone pain unda left boob aswell...ive stopped eating after six oclock took a week still was getting now im on my third week all sytoms gone bloating burphing pain i feel great...come off my omeprazole now dont need it im diet hope this helps try it..but it doesnt work straight away i would say into second week no wind..both ends completely stopprd no acid no pain...honestly people who know me have said how well i look and they nee about my wind problems all gone.....i will nevea eat again at night just cups of tea for me and im get my sleep without sick cum up in my throat.waking me up choking...all gone gone.....try it let me know i to have ibsxxx

Regnofibro1 profile image

Sounds nasty but Apple cider vinegar. I drink pickle juice when I need to go. I have heard Apple cider vinegar works the same way but I prefer my pickle juice. I no it sounds odd but hey it works for me.

Lesley61 profile image

Iv had a bad tummy for about 2 months now been to doctors he give me tablets to stop me been sick wich I had been sick but I would not eat cot I was on the tolet all the time bab pain in my tummy been sick I would stat to eat cos I was hungry and would have to go to tolet half way through it been back to doctors he sed when I come back off my holls come back and see him he sed he was going to send my to the hospital to put camera down not looking forward to that any way I go back to doctors on Thursday my tummy as been so swollen and hurts at the top but been to the tolet most of the day yesterday my tummy feel all soft now but still hurts I am on tables for reflux I am not burping at all its gust my tummy feel like I am having a baby and look like it too thanks for listening x

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