Hi everyone: Hi. Well I'm a 31 years... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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13 Replies

Hi. Well I'm a 31 years old female who has just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and joint hypermobility. It's taken a few years to get this diagnosis and I'm very happy to know that it's not all in my head but am also a tad nervous about it too. Can you please tell me how old u all were when u were diagnosed and what ur feelings were please. Thanx

13 Replies
Betty67 profile image

I was 32 and again knew it was not all in my head, and not depression although I was depressed.

There was no support back then and not much know so hopefully you will find your solution soon.

in reply to Betty67

Hi thanx for ur reply. I have the support of my loving fiancè but unfortunately he doesn't understand that there no cure for fibro. Bless him but he is being great with me...hope u are well today...x

Betty67 profile image
Betty67 in reply to

i would not say that there is no cure, I have known people get back to normal lives and at the worst there is no cure yet, but it can be lived with and there is lots you can do to feel better and a positive mental attitude is very important.

Lucyhobbit profile image

19, and I was very upset because it meant I could no longer persue the dance teaching career I'd been working on for the previous 3 years (having danced since I was 5). Instead I went to Uni, became a teacher and a whole lot of other things happened both good and bad. It took a very long time to adjust to the fibro and every so often I fall into depression because it's so horrible and I rage about the . But, aside from the pain, fog etc. I love my life now, so it certainly threw an interesting curve to my life.

There's lots of great advice and support here that I wish I had 20 years ago, so if you have any questions, ask away - someone will always be here to help if they can or *hug* if they can't.

TheAuthor profile image

Hi krystletips83

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I have pasted you a link below to our mother site, FibroAction which hosts loads of useful Fibro information:



I have only been diagnosed about a year and when it was first mentioned I knew absolutely nothing about Fibro! So to be told what Fibro was and how it worked came as quite a shock to me. I do believe the two things that are the key to managing Fibro are to get the right combination of medications and also to pace yourself and undertake physiotherapy, but again, pace yourself in everything that you do so there is less chance of you suffering a flare up.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

in reply to TheAuthor

Thanx for ur reply ken....Unfortunately I was standing out in the cold on Friday carrying 2 heavy bags and so I have felt it in my neck and shoulders since then. Horrible pain and aches which no pain killers are touching. Hope u are well and thanx for letting me join ur group..x

karmadogma profile image

First im so sorry. Next you need to find out if you have any other auto immune disorders. I have hypothyroidism, low iron, psoriasis, 3 types of arthritis. Autoimmune diseases tent to go togther.

Next all of us are low on magnesium. I take 800mg at night my husband takes 1200mg (he has fibro also). It helps us stay asleep plus helps with pain.

Try getting some magniesum flakes for soaking in the tub.if you go on Facebook there is a group called (foods for fibromyalgia) its ran by a holistic dr who works with fibromyalgia patients. Her name is diedra rawlings.

in reply to karmadogma

I've had all sorts of blood test done and everything has come back fine. Although I am low on vitamin d. I'm currently waiting to get the results back from a blood test to see if I have celiac disease (allergic to wheat and gluten) which I think will be positive. But fingers crossed...hope u are well today..x.

bluejeans16 profile image

I am 40 and have had ME for a year although I have not had a proper diagnosis.

Wendyld profile image

I was 39 but first diagnosed with RA, it was 5 years later that the Fibro was diagnosed. I was fearful of the unknown but with help like this wonderful site it helps a lot. Get as much information ax you can, keep a diary so you can spot any triggers. Most of all be kind to yourself.

Hugs Wendy x

michaelb62 profile image

Hi Krystletips83

I had problems with my knees at the age of 14 one of my sons was the same at 16 I was diagnosed with Fybro when i was around 24. But two of my. sons were diagnosed at 18 and 19 they are now 25 and 26. My daughter has also been diagnosed five years ago but it has deteriorated this year she had been accepted into university to do nursing but as she puts it she didn't want to end up like me. Because i was training to be a nurse when my knees got worse from standing. Her problem is her hip which has definitely got worse she lies in bed and cries as do i a lot of the time. But what you have to try and learn is not to let the fybro control you, you have to control it. If i want to do something that i know is going to give me added pain then i make sure i'm prepared for it have nothing to do for a few days after. People do have remission and can go for a while where the pain isn't as bad as other times. I think there are still dr's out there that don't believe in it but my thing with them is if you don't believe in it then tell us what it is. Because we all know how we feel and it is most certainly not i our heads. I have seen psychiatrists before who have said its the depression that causes the pain which again we all know is rubbish. It is the opposite we have depression because of the pain and then we get the vicious circle where if you don't sleep it makes the pain worse and the depression worse. The key is to pace yourself if that is at all possible My children were very good they understood when they were growing up but i still did everything for them but if i had a bad bout they would help around the house or cook dinner if my husband (at the time) was away which was a lot of the time for his job.

Just read up on it and accept it i think that has been my problem i have never accepted thats what mine is as the only area i have muscular problems is my neck and shoulders. The rest is my joints but i have osteoarthritis in my hips, knees and hands as well as fybro.

You will meet some good people on here who will give you great advice so utilise it.

Take care


Furry profile image

Hi I was 45ish when I was diagnosed with firbo, I'm 51 now, but I'd had symptoms since being 33. there is a lot of information on this great site, also if you don't already have one finding a fibro friendly really helps, take care. X

karmadogma profile image

I was 25 and just starting college. My daughter was 6. I was working full time to support us. I'm now 46, lost 3 jobs and luckily still working. If I might suggest taking magniesum glutimate at night, I take 1000mg, it helps with sleep, pain and brain fog.

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