Hi guys hoping i can get some advise from you yesterday afternoon i was laying on the sofa and all of a sudden i started getting sharp pains in the top of my head whenever i moved today is still the same but have dizzy spells aswell now if its not one thing its something else i just cant have a normal day just lately
Head pain: Hi guys hoping i can get... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Head pain

Hi David,
I get this on/off. When my problems started I had extreme tingling all around my skull, made me feel ill, unstable and dizzy. I get on off sharp pains and a strange 'pulling' sensation around my skull.
I am sorry I don't know what the answer to it is. Mine is less than it used to be (or have I got accustomed to it).
Speak to your gp about it.
If you get anywhere please share.
sounds like a migraine, but all head pains need investigating so don't panic but get to your doctors.
I cautiosly agree with Betty that it could be a migraine. I know my first one was not full on all symptoms, but years later they started full blast. Eye symptoms, seveer headaches, dizziness, audio sensitivity, nausea, imbalance. But I do certainly agree as betty said to see a doctor and not panic. Meantime,, when this happens, you might get yourself to a quiet, dark place, take something for headache even if it doesn't work (that's good to know), and coever your eyes. I put a pillow over my head. If you have essential oils you might atomize some or place a bit under your nose. But check this out - it might give you nausea.
Also try a cold flannel on your head or a hot one - different headaches react differently.
Well its hard to describe as the pain is in the top of my head just to one side of the scalp
This article may help you know how to describe your pain to your GP: who.int/mediacentre/factshe....
Google for some interesting if weird stuff. Apparently ebola can cause headache . . . duh. It appears there are so many related issues in the body, not just stress, that can lead to headaches. It's important then for your doctor to know all your health problems so he/she can relate them to your headache symptoms.
I am almost 100% headache free for the last few months and it is such an immense relief. I was having chronic 24 hrs/day headaches and a couple migraines. It lasted around 3 months and I think was related to stress and bad neck and shoulder inflexibility, tightness and pain. It is awful to deal with daily and if I had been more thorough in researching causes and relief - maybe even chiropractic - it might have resolved sooner.
I understand to some degree what you are suffering and I am very sorry for that. I truly hope you find some resolution to this soon.
I have started with something similar. During an appointment with the Rheumatologist last week, he told me never to put new symptons down to 'just another Fibro thing' as it could be totally unrelated. So, it's off to the Doctor I go. X.
I have started with something similar. During an appointment with the Rheumatologist last week, he told me never to put new symptons down to 'just another Fibro thing' as it could be totally unrelated. So, it's off to the Doctor I go. X.
I suffer from bad headaches but a couple of co-codamol usually shifts it.