The pain in my tailbone has been getting worse and I haven't been able to walk anywhere this week! Dr is going to refer me back to hospital for an MRI on it which is good, but I have just noticed quite large swelling on both of my knees(insides of knees, not kneecaps) very firm and tender to touch!! Any ideas? Worried Ninja!!!
What's this NOW!!!: The pain in my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
What's this NOW!!!

P.s.....they are slightly red and hot as well!
Hello Ninjananna,
Sorry you're experiencing this pain, it sounds like similiar pain to mine when I was wheelchair bound.
The symptoms you are describing could be Coccydinia, as I have had problems with my coccyx in the past. Please see link below;
Obviously I am not a doctor and I would suggest explaining your new symptoms to your GP, however I thought I would provide the link out of interest.
I bought a wedge memory foam cushion to help the pain experience for my chair and when I was using the wheelchair most of the time.
Please be aware of any redness or broken skin in that area and I would mention this to the GP if this happens. Some people can be prone to Pressure Sores if sat in one place for long periods of time and restricting blood flow to that area for a long period of time.
Please let us know how you get on with you GP as he/she has your medical history and can do a physical exam so he/she is the best person to provide a diagnosis.
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
Hello Ninjananna,
Having seen your recent additional comment I think you should consider making an emergency appointment on Monday with your GP.
You may or may not have an infection or another problem, if it worsens over the weekend you may consider calling NHS Direct for advice.
I wish you all the best
Hi Emma, rang NHS and have to go to Hosp tonight! Scary..... Let you know how I get on tomorrow!.. xxx
Good call Emma!! I have cellulosis!! Antibiotics to take and see Dr in a week..Just been reading up on it as I have never heard of this before.... Pretty damn scary stuff!!! Thanks again for the advice, you might just have saved my life!!! Much love.. Ninja!
Hi other I have the same things with my knees don't get the swelling as much but they r pain full to touch all the time in the inside I also get this in the inside o my elbows have u had that xx Amanda
oh ninjananna,i hope you're ok xx
Hi ninjananna, I'm so glad you went to the hospital and got a proper diagnosis. I am sending lots of positive healing vibes your way
Foggy x
Hi ninjananna
I am so sorry to read that you have cellulosis. I sincerely hope that you make a full recovery as soon as possible.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Thanks everyone!! Just goes to show that we can't blame everything on fibro doesn't it?? My Mum is also an ex-nurse Emma, and I would normally mention my ailments to her for a diagnosis, but She's just got back from Spain, has a rotten cold and not feeling great, so that's why I posted it on here. Just shows what a wonderful forum I've joined!!!!! Much love to one and♥♥
So sorry you have cellulittis it is horrid I have had it and so has my partner so our sympathy is with you xxgins
Hello Ninjananna. I am so pleased to see you on here today and not in some hospital bed. Take care my friend lots of hugs suexxx

Ahh thank you Sue! I'm glad to, didn't realize it was so dangerous!!... Much love!...
Mdaisy, thanks for the link, I have had this pain for a couple of years and did not realise their was a name or treatment for it, i will speak to my doctor next time i see her.It is extremely painful to sit for even a little while and trying to stand up is agony, I usually put my jacket/coat/jumper on seat to pad it out when out of the house.