Are there any other ladies that have ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Are there any other ladies that have to take mefanamic acid regularly during their cycle as fibro has affected their monthlys?

Bumblebee profile image
24 Replies
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Bumblebee profile image
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24 Replies
soozie profile image

Hi there,I suffer really bad before,during & after my has a huge impact on my life. I'm gonna look up this med & see if it would help me xx how does it help you????

Bumblebee profile image
Bumblebee in reply to soozie

hi soozie, it is anti inflammatory that eases pain and slows the flow of really heavy periods. it certainly helps. I feel like I'm having contractions and they increase the nerve pain in my legs. Before them I would be on for at ;east 10 days with pms for about two weeks prior. My condition is more manageable now with this medication, if I miss a dose i certainly know about it. I couldn't survive with out them now. Have been checked for other things and it seems it is linked to fibro.

in reply to Bumblebee

ooh! sounds so similar :o

Hi Bumblebee :)

I take tranexamic acid to slow the bleeding down, when I stand up I gush ................

Not nice :( My period affects me for approx 2 1/2 weeks in total with the pain, weight gain/ water retention, heavy periods and vertigo/ dizziness etc due to amount of blood loss and eratic mood swings (not always) :(

:) xxxsianxxx :)

Bumblebee profile image
Bumblebee in reply to

not nice is it - so happy you have something that helps. I suffered too long in silence with the flow problem, thought it was my age causing it, then the pain kicked in really bad every time. yet only just found out that its linked to fibro. more info is required I think xx

in reply to Bumblebee

yes, I think it goes missed a lot my GP apologises every time to me because he knows I don't move at all pretty much for 3 days at its peak :o But not everyone is brave enough to talk to their GP I thought it was normal but I had no reason not to think that it wasn't :o xx

Hi ladies my sugestion is that you may like to consider a procedure called Endometrial abalation.I had this procedure years ago i found it quick virtually painless and very effective.If you like more information you can look it up on the NHS choices web site under heavy periods...sue

Bumblebee profile image
Bumblebee in reply to

hi mayrose, thanks for the response - doctor won't do that as tablets reduce symptoms. xx

in reply to

Shall do but like bumble bee I'm not too hopeful :o but nothing ventured nothing gained :)

Thanks sue I really appreciate the info tip :)


in reply to

hi sue have been referred to gynae thank you for your advice

Many fluffies on route to you :)

in reply to

:) :) :)

Jackieblu profile image

Hi Bumblee yeah I've taken them for ages now and it does help,a bit anyway! Have ur periods gotten worse,mine have,their horrendous in fact? Do you have to stay in bed because of them? I'm at menopausal age so been gettin all the symptoms of that too. It's not easy especially with the Fibro aswell as other health problems! Jackiex

Bumblebee profile image
Bumblebee in reply to Jackieblu

hi jackie yes much worse. I'm 44, hormone results came back normal, so not quite there yet. i did think age was a factor but it seems its more to do with fibro xx

Jackieblu profile image

Hi Bubblebee yeah it's really debilitating means u can't do anything but lie still! I'm 51 2mro in fact lol and I just feel their gettin worse as time goes on! They do say it runs in families n I can vouch for that,my mum had bad ones and so does my daughter,worst luck! Goin to go back to docs and see if there's somethin else other than surgery! Seems to be with the Fibro the problem with our period goes hand in hand! Best wishes Jackiex

Bumblebee profile image
Bumblebee in reply to Jackieblu

Happy Birthday hun. Hope you have a lovely day xxx :)

Jackieblu profile image
Jackieblu in reply to Bumblebee

Hi Bumblebee sorry it's took me this long to get back yo u! Thank u so much for my bday wishes! Was a crazy day yesterday n I'm payin for it 2day worst luck! Hope ur well my friend! Jackiex

Bumblebee profile image

Thank you everyone for replying, at least I know I'm not alone with this symptom, not that I would wish any of it on anyone. But sometimes its so confusing as to what is linked to fibro and which isn't. Every time there's something new its like a mine field. gentle hugs to you all xx Jean

Kirby profile image

I have terrible periods, 54 now and still going. Awful abdominal pain for a week or two weeks before the heavy blood loss, then the migraines. It's always been like this but hoping there won't be too many years left. I was prescribed that mefanamic acid but didn't take it as so often happens with me. i read the side-effects and then I don't take them!

Bumblebee profile image
Bumblebee in reply to Kirby

hi kirby, i read labels too. however i'm at that stage will try anything and i can't survive without them now x

Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to Bumblebee

I know it's my downfall reading labels! x

Mdaisy profile image

Hello Bumblebee,

I too have taken Tranexamic Acid in my younger days for my problems I experienced monthly. I used to take a combined pill which helped but then was taken off the market due to safety concerns, Femidine I think. *confused face as may not be correct name of it ! Then after a few years on Tranxemic Acid the family planning nurse put me on Cerazette, a mini pill which stops your periods, and this personally worked for me.

Here's some information about Cerazette, which may be of interest;

I think this is a very interesting post as it seems many have experienced problems, I know many ladies can experience Endometriosis. I would consider speaking to you GP about a Gynae referral if it is impacting on your life, I know mine was as I couldn't go out as I was Fibro Free then.

For information on Endometriosis please see link below;

I hope this helps

Best Wishes

Emma :)

FibroAction Administrator

Bumblebee profile image

thanks emma x

amanda2277 profile image

Hi every I do have heavy P am 37 but the problems startd probley around the age of 33 but the one thing I had noticest wen all the problems started the pain beening constantly tierd and wash out joint pain etc and bf getting diagnosed in and around when I was due to take my Period about the week bf the week during and the week after I seem to b floored with everything "fibro" got worse its still the same av ban refeard to gynecology av also read that fibro can have a effect on our hormone level s aswell ...has any bloody had their s cheaked xx

Allpainedout profile image

Hi yes I've had the same problem with very bad periods that resulted in two different tablets then I was anemic taking iron tablets but I had to also have a camera up & down !!! Neither of which was pleasant ( in fact terrible ) but no reason for the low iron was found ! I didn't realise it wasn't normal !?!? I would stand up & feel as if I was bleeding to death , gushing & I couldn't do anything about it , thank god I've now started menapause but did get a period last week first one in a year & it was just as bad ! I wasn't aware that it had anything to do with fibro but it makes sence now looking back at it ! Hope you all cope ok with it good luck !!!

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