HAVE HAD CONDITION FOR 7 YRS VERY VER... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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wmc-1ph profile image
22 Replies


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wmc-1ph profile image
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22 Replies
jillylin profile image


My friend tried it and said it did nothing at all for her. In fact she felt worse from the strain of keeping to it and dealing with the Fibro. That said, different things help different people. No harm in you trying it to see if it helps you.



wmc-1ph profile image
wmc-1ph in reply to jillylin

It is helping me already after only 10 days. Your frirnd was possibly suffering initially from heavy toxic dumping

jillylin profile image
jillylin in reply to wmc-1ph

You are very luck then as she had been on it for several months and it didn't help her at all. As I said, different things help different people. I hope you continue to improve on the diet as it is working for you.



wmc-1ph profile image
wmc-1ph in reply to jillylin

Thank you so much. I am so pleased it is working so soon for me

fibro profile image

sorry, I've never heard of it. also i don't know how you can self diagnose any condition, you could be missing something really serious, so should always be checked out properly by a rheumatologist ,

Fibro is a condition can mimic other conditions!

im not saying that you haven't got Fibro, but worried that you could be missing something by self diagnosing!! xx

wmc-1ph profile image
wmc-1ph in reply to fibro

You have not heard of it? Neither have 99% of NHS GP's. Thats why I am self diagnosed. They only know about drugs and operations.

On fibromga

fibro profile image
fibro in reply to wmc-1ph

wmc-1ph i'm astounded by your comment about operations.

To my knowledge there aren't any relevant operations that relate to Fibromyalga and can't see that any of us would consider attempting anything of the sort and as for looking up on the internet, I actually think that comment is quite derogatory, as don't you think we'd have all done that even to find this wonderful supportive site.

Im starting to wonder if maybe you have other reasons for posting what you have on here!

All any of us try to do is support and help each other.p you have certainly made me feel that my help and support isn't wanted by yourself !!!

I wish I hadn't bothered posting now!

wmc-1ph profile image
wmc-1ph in reply to fibro

I had the operation because they said I had stenosis of the spine. Op was 6 yrs ago and completely unsuccessful.

Therapists tell me I do not have stenosis or a skeletal problem at all . SUCH DIFFERENT OPINIONS AMONG 'EXPERTS'

wmc-1ph profile image
wmc-1ph in reply to fibro

Neither has the NHS it seems. That's why I am self diagnosed. Look up Fibro myalgia on the web.

Deefer profile image

I agree, self diagnosing is not a good idea. See your GP and they will probably do blood tests to eliminate other conditions. Diagnosing fibromyalgia is not easy and usually takes a long time - so many of the symptoms are the same as other conditions. It is a process of eliminating other things first. Please see your doctor x

wmc-1ph profile image
wmc-1ph in reply to Deefer

Neither has the NHS . That's why I am self diagnosed. Look up fibromyalgia on the web. Learn something

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to wmc-1ph

Please remember to answer in a responsible way remember the terms and conditions of being part of Fibroaction, We do not accept rudeness. All on here have Fibro and have suffered for a long time. So your comment is unaccepable.

wmc-1ph profile image
wmc-1ph in reply to Ginsing

Sorry you think the truth is rude

fibro profile image
fibro in reply to Deefer

thank you Deefer, for confirming my thoughts. Sadly, being helpful isn't always appreciated. xxx

wmc-1ph profile image
wmc-1ph in reply to fibro

I am only trying to be helpful. Can see that you are too but you fail to see that I am as well

Deefer profile image
Deefer in reply to fibro

Sending hugs fibro xx

fibro profile image
fibro in reply to Deefer

thanks Deefer, you too. I'm afraid i dont have the energy to respond to the other posts for fear of just going around in crcles.

If I've been blind in seeing this other person was trying to help, maybe i need some new specs.

I know I dont join in on here everyday but when i do I try to help through my iwn exoerience of this condtion coupled with the fact I do have other problems that are unrelated to Fibro.

i have been under a hospital all my life and to be honest not every op has been a success. I have had several major sugeries that could be blamed for not being sccessfwul because of Fibro, but I have always known the dctors who have done their best for me have done it wth my best interestss and not once would I thought of blaming them or thought they didn't know their job.

But one thing i do know, those who go around 'telling' doctors how to do their jobs are the one the doctors will brush aside and ignore.

This isn't the first time i have come across this situation, in the days when I was able to work, i encountered that situation from others back then too.

I know we are all entitled to our opinions, but one thing we need to consider, esp. on a site like this is that there is no sentiment in the written word, posts can be easily misunderstood. it also applies to those writing the posts, that consideration of the other people reading them, needs to be thought about.

I'd say this is what's happened here today. By us getting upset, or stressed will only make our pain worse, and no one can expect us all to agree about everything, but i still agree with what has been said by the majority...... enough said.... before i get kicked off the site because I 'fail to see' someone is trying to help, when quite clearly they are coming at us like a bulldozing dictator!!!! xxx

Ginsing profile image

I think it is important you are seen by your Doctor and get referred to Rheumatologist who should be able to diagnose you properly. Certainly they will check you out for anything else it could be. To diagnose your self is a dangerous game when a specialist will give you proper care.


jillylin profile image
jillylin in reply to Ginsing

Totally agree with you gins. I know that getting a diagnosis can be a hard fought battle for most of us, if not all of us, but it does eliminate the 'look alike' illnesses and also hopefully gets us the help we need.

And this site is brilliant for help and info because everyone here has fibromyalgia.



Deefer profile image

wmc-1ph - Please don't tell people to ' look up fibromyalgia '. We have all done that in the past, if only to find out more about the condition and things that doctors can't tell us. When I first started with the symptoms, I too looked up things on the internet, reaching the conclusion that I could have one of many conditions based on the core symptoms ( pain, fatigue etc). The only sensible thing was to see my GP. I was diagnosed a long time ago and feel that I know plenty about this wretched condition. It is a long and arduous learning process and we all need to support each other, not be rude and aggressive to people who are trying to give you the best advice based on their own experiences.

JanetM profile image

Having Fibro is one of the most depressing things. However, we all learn to live with it and this group is great for support and sharing experiences. As some of you have said, there are many different treatments and everyone responds differently, hence the importance of being under your GP's care. Getting to the diagnosis is frustrating, but in some ways a relief by the end when all other tests come back negative. At least I have peace of mind that it is not something more sinister. I agree with all those who have suggested that you get diagnosed by your GP. There are a lot of them who really understand fibro and do try to help as much as they can. The people on this site are all in it together and the purpose is to encourage and support, not break down and belittle.

Ginsing profile image

Guys I think we have gone around this enough dont you? So can we please move onto something more usefull for us all. I am actually in agreement with the majority but always one to try and see every side I have watched and listened and I think it is time to call it a day.

Thanks you


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