Re Human Right's nd Solicitor's - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Re Human Right's nd Solicitor's

Tupney profile image
24 Replies

What about if we all sent e-mail's to He is solicitor specialising in Fibromialgia cases on fibromialgia .net.

Does anyone think this may help,if so how do we set up a link to all other fibro sites for all to sign. Also any idea as to how we should word it?

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Tupney profile image
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24 Replies

Ive seen his address on a nother fibro site, we could try him

netta62 profile image

Well what have got to loose, he can only say no......I think it's a brilliant Idea ....I had made a comment about getting together and finding a solicitor on another thead .....

rosylyn profile image

the government passed that fibromalgia is now recognized by the dla now hopefully i will win my appeal as long as you have evidence they will look at that now.this was sent to me by the group.

a copy of Hansard Minutes showing questions asked in the House of Commons concerning Fibromyalgia. The Government reply confirms that the DWP and themselves recognise the sometimes disabling effects of our condition and this is taken into account with regard to benefit applications involving Fibromyalgia. Useful information to use when submitting evidence with either a new claim or if going to Tribunal.

nonamedaisy profile image
nonamedaisy in reply to rosylyn

do you know any lincs relating to this we can download or copy please, anything that helps is great. thanks

rosylyn profile image
rosylyn in reply to nonamedaisy

Also attached is a copy of Hansard Minutes showing questions asked in the House of Commons concerning Fibromyalgia. The Government reply confirms that the DWP and themselves recognise the sometimes disabling effects of our condition and this is taken into account with regard to benefit applications involving Fibromyalgia. Useful information to use when submitting evidence with either a new claim or if going to Tribunal.

rosylyn profile image
rosylyn in reply to nonamedaisy

DWP confirmation

David Morris (Morecambe and Lunesdale, Conservative)

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions whether he has considered recognising fibromyalgia in the benefits system.

• Hansard source (Citation: HC Deb, 18 June 2012, c718W)

Maria Miller (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Disabled People), Work and Pensions; Basingstoke, Conservative)

The Department recognises fibromyalgia as a potentially significantly disabling condition.

Where a clinical diagnosis of fibromyalgia has been made, full account will be taken of its disabling effects in determining eligibility for benefits.

nonamedaisy profile image
nonamedaisy in reply to rosylyn

thank you so much for this information. I,ve got to get my daughter to learn me how to cut and paste as i am new to the computer, but thanks anyway.

dizzyduck profile image

I think Tupney has the best idea so far. How can we go forward with this? I have just come back from a GP visit (wonderful GP, I might add) took my DLA refusal letter, she wanted to know how they made their assumptions. I explained it was from my form and her letter. She actually showed me what she wrote. She is fumming, I am having another appoitment with Rhuematologist who specialises in Fybro, so that he can write another letter.For people who are already suffering, loosing their jobs through this awful disease, we really need someone like Brian Barr to help and support us.

boxter profile image
boxter in reply to dizzyduck

Hi Dizzyduck,

I to have a refusal letter and also have a wonderful GP.I have appointments with my GP and Rhuematologist very soon.The DLA made their decision on what my GP said and also the Atos Dr that came to my home for a medical.We really need someone that can help us like Brian Barr.Yesterday there was an article in the Daily Mirror about the head of Atos (french) stating that he received wages and perks £1.83 million in 2010 and last year he pocked £1.9 million.How can that be right when people struggle to live and cannot work because of this cruel illness.

Take Care

dizzyduck profile image

I have just sent an email to Brian Barr, to ask questions about fees etc. It would be great if everyone on this site wrote to him XXXX gentle hugs all

netta62 profile image
netta62 in reply to dizzyduck

Great! Dizzyduck, Lets us know what he says.....if we all club together, maybe do some fund raising,....then maybe we should at least try, especially if he says we have a case.......xxxx

nonamedaisy profile image
nonamedaisy in reply to dizzyduck

hello, could you messge me and let me know whether you get a reply, from Brian Barr, i would be interested to hear what he has to say, I have heard of him as well? thanks. Karen.

At this point I'd contact the devil himself if I thought he'd help.

linksy profile image

anything is worth a try as so many people are being taken off esa and dla and losing their jobs i have never known a situation like it. if fibromyalgia wasn't bad enough and the judgement of other people who don't understand or take the time to find out what it is and how it affects the individual. We are being made to loose all our dignity and rely on others for financial assistance and help. i got a letter asking if i still wanted to go through with my appeal and if i didn't reply in 14 days they would take it i didn't want to continue. Bullying tactics by a system that was put in place to help those unfit for work and decisions made by people not qualified to make the decisions. The situation is beyond belief being made to feel guilty for claiming a pittance of £70 a week and being took of cos i can lift an empty cardboard box. if i could do a job i would be doing it oops rant over lol.

eirwen profile image

iv lost my incapacity benefit so i cant realy afford solicoter fees, but i will wright a letter 2 support every one about the way they treat & bully you in your appeal.. let me know if i can help xx

Tupney profile image

Thank you everyone for your response, dizzyduck can you let me know if you get a reply from your. e-mail to Brian Barr. many thanks all & soft hugs Edna

dizzyduck profile image

Hi Edna, I had a really nice email from his secretary, I explained about all my conditions and that my company took me as a disabled person, and that I have been seen by their OT doctor who has said my disabilities will encroach on my duties as a lecturer, and they they are going through a restructure at the moment, and with me being on long term sick, I beiieve I will be for the chop. He suggested that I get in touch with the disability right comminsion. copy and pasted email:-

Mr Barr has given me your e-mail of 28 June. I am sorry to hear of the problems that you are having at work. I would strongly suggest that you contact the disability rights section of the Equality for Commission for Human Rights to discuss the problems that you are having. They will be able to assist you with matters. Their details can be found at I do hope that you find this of assistance

I sent back an email thanking them for taking the time to read and write back.

Everything is such a struggle, like you say......I have always worked, as did my parents and grandparents, All this for £70.00squid!!!.

Ah well onwards and upwards, it's the princlple now. I have just spent 4 hours with a CAB councillor, writing an appeal letter, I visited my GP this morning who could not beielive I had been turned down, the CAB officer was even more shocked, she believes they never even read the form, and just made unfair assumptions. I am in so much pain it's rediculous. I havehad to talk about the most intimate details of my care, it is so degrading, somethings you just want to keep within your family ( that's hard enough') but when you have to actually right it down!!!!.

I think Netta has a brilliant idea, if we could start a fundraiser somehow, then we could get Brian to take on the government for all us fibros/AS/CFS/ME all the invisiable diseases.

Lots of love and hugs to you all XXXXX of course GENTLE!!!!!

dizzyduck profile image

Part 2: Know your rights

Part 3: Making rights a reality

dizzyduck profile image

This is for anyone who is feeling threatened with loosing their job

New report shows supporting disabled workers is a win win situation for the employer and employee

dizzyduck profile image

I have shared this on my facebook page. If you would like to contact me via facebook karen burke xx

jojo45 profile image

I have just recently been diagnosed etc, I went for a medical in January with ATOS and they are not doctors they are just nurses who have been told to fail everyone in the HOPE that we dont fight it. One of the reasons I failed my assessment was , I gave him eye contact!!!! I have Crohns disease and fibro! another was that when he asked me what medication I was on , I passed them to him without any problems. I am fighting both DLA and ESA and not giving up they can bully me as much as they like. I started work at 15 and stopped working at 42 (im 44 now). I have never claimed any benefits and always worked full time. I feel that I should be allowed to claim whilst I recover from 3 major operations and now all the fibro symptons which are unbearable some days but dont have to explain myself to any of you as you understand. Rant over lol hope you all gets the answers you are entitled too xx

bumblebee57 profile image

Good for you Jojo, dont let them bully you into giving up. We are all with each other on this. Its about time we got what is our right, and a bit of compassion.The drug addicts in this country get more help than we do. We didnt ASK to be ILL, but most of their problems are SELF INFLICTED. Perhaps if they were deemed "fit for work", they wouldnt have so much time on their hands to drink/take drugs or whatever. I bet they have no trouble walking (to the local dealer) or picking up a cardboard box (if it had booze/drugs in it) or bending (if someone drops half a ciggie on the pavement) You see what I mean? This country has got it SOOOOOO wrong

nonamedaisy profile image
nonamedaisy in reply to bumblebee57

very well said! my sentiments exactly!

nonamedaisy profile image

hello, i have been listening to you all for weeks now, i am really ill, and am waiting to her from atos, just sent my forms back, does anyone know how long they take before you have to go to assessment? and, i have heard also about this brian Barr solicitor, and think its a good idea, but how could we all go about it. It is very distressing all this worry, and i am waiting for a heart op, so dont need the stress. these people have no idea, how illness affects us all. hugs to all .

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