I have 5 euploid embryos to which I feel very lucky but I never feel safe as I have been through so much. Would appreciate hearing how many transfers you had with pgt normal embryos befofe it fully worked for you xxxxx
How many of your chromosome intact pg... - Fertility Network UK
How many of your chromosome intact pgt-a tested embryos (euploid) did it take for you to transfer before you got your little miracle?

Hi Trex, your numbers are great! I only had one euploid embryo from 3 collections, and I’m currently 37 weeks pregnant with our miracle baby. Not sure how many babies you would like but I would say that 5 euploid is really great- I wish you luck with your transfer xxxx
5 euploid is great! I had two euploid embryos of very high quality 5 AA and 5 AB (with donor eggs). I had a FET of the 5AA in January which did not implant. I am currently preparing to transfer the last of the two (the 5AB), so no success stories here unfortunately (yet).
I have heard of loads of people who have had success with their first euploid transfer. However I have also heard of people needing more than one or two transfers of euploids to achieve pregnancy. I believe there is a study out there that says 95% of people will have success with three euploid transfers.
Whilst I’ve been given an 85% chance of success with my second embryo, I’m very aware that I may need a third which I currently don’t have. So am remaining realistic.
I wish you all the luck in the world!
Good numbers! I had 7 euploids and the first one transferred is now my 5 month old baby boy. Best of luck x
That’s great news. I also was fortunate enough to get 5 euploid embryos. My first transfer unfortunately ended in a miscarriage but I’m now full term with my second transfer. Best of luck!
Hi, I got 4 euploid embryos and was told if you have 3 there is a 95% chance of one of them working and thankfully my first one worked! I was very surprised by this having previously had 4 failed transfers of non tested embryos.
I used donor embryo due to my age. I had a total of 5 transfers. The first transfer I genuinely feel may have been a "false" transfer. Essentially, I don't believe the clinic transferred anything. The clinic has subsequently closed down. So, in reality, I only count the more recent 4 embryo transfers. The first two were medicated transfers and neither worked. The final 2 were modified natural transfers. Both resulted in positive tests. The first ended in an early loss at 5.5 weeks. The second is now 15 months old. Just to add I was 45 when the embryo was transferred, 46 by the time she was born. I worked with my natural cycle and used mild stimulation on days 3, 5, 7 & 9 and had a trigger shot when the largest follicle was big enough. MY body definitely responded better to using my natural cycle. I also had a womb biopsy which revealed high NK cells so I took blood thinners, steroids and intralipids (3). You have a great chance with 4 and hopefully your body will respond to the protocol well. I had, had two previous IVF pregnancies and never had an issue with NK cells in the past so I am glad I took the womb biopsy to rule out endometritis and had the NK cell diagnosis. If you use your natural cycle I also understand that the period of time for transfer is actually longer but I could be wrong about this. Best of luck and congratulations on getting this far! Its a marathon not a sprint but it can have a beautiful ending.
Mine also got closed down. For my first round. I wonder if same as mine !
Hey I have had two transfers of pgt-a tested and no luck so far but about to go for some tests to see if we can find any problems before transferring the next. Wishing you lots of luck x
5 is a great number. I was 40 and only had 1 pgt-a euploid out of the 4 we tested, which fortunately resulted in my 6-month old. All the best.
Hi! Unfortunately my first euploid did not survive the thaw. My second didn’t implant, but I caught a virus after transfer. My third was successful.