I'm 33F, partner 33M. This was our first IVF cycle. We had 11 eggs collected, 9 mature, 5 fertilized normally, and then by day 5 just two turned into blastocysts. The clinic graded one as a 2BC and the other they said was too early to grade. They advised we do a double transfer as they said neither were likely to survive until freezing. I'm struggling to find any similar experiences online of this situation. I've seen others have double transfers or low quality but not with such early blastocysts. I was wondering if anyone has experience of this and if so how it went? We really weren't expecting this outcome and didn't have long to decide what to do when it happened so just curious if others can shed any light, like would they have continued to develop ok given more time.
Double transfer with early/low qualit... - Fertility Network UK
Double transfer with early/low quality blasts-any experience?

2BB she’s dominated my last 6 months not counting the 37weeks she was cooking! Small but mighty! Xxx
also she certainly isn’t small now. She’s a beast!
I'd say just transfer them and hopefully it will work. You would be giving them the best chance since the clinic say they won't survive freezing.The first clinic I was with threw away a 5CC without telling me, I only found out after I asked for reports and I really wish I would have given it a chance.
I had 3 embryos failing to implant so far with different grades and stages (day 5 4AB, 4BA and early blastocyst), so I don't think it says that much about your chances or genetics of the embryos.
I'm sorry to hear about your failed transfers. I really appreciate the reply and the information though. Oh wow, I didn't know they did that, I didn't even think to ask about the others.
We did transfer them as we only had about an hour to make a decision. It was really unexpected though and I can't find much online about similar experiences so was just trying to get more information to help process. Maybe you don't hear it much if they discard earlier ones but we didn't have a higher quality one.
I agree with Anonimatoz . I’d just transfer them. I has almost exactly the same in my last cycle. The morning of transfer they were still too early to grade. By transfer time they were a 2BB and a 2CC. They strongly recommended transferring them both.
Another became a blast in Day 6 but too low quality to freeze.
The cycle didn’t work for me, but I’ve seen plenty of stories were their low quality early blasts turned into babies.
We just had a new egg collection yesterday and hoping for better luck this time.
Thank you. We did transfer them, I'd just not heard of others in similar situations so was wondering about others experiences. I'm sorry to hear the transfer didn't work. Fingers crossed for this one for you! Did they adjust anything for your next cycle due to having slower/earlier blastocysts?
Finger crossed for you.
Nope nothing adjusted. They said protocol had gone to plan, it was just bad luck. Which I don’t really believe - we’re private but at a clinic in an NHS hospital and it sounds like they don’t really deviate from their standard protocol.
This cycle did end up being a bit different as my eggs were slow to grow, at day 6 we were considering cancelling, then suddenly shot up, and at egg retrieval 3 follicles were too big. We got 7 eggs. First retrieval we got 8.
has your partner had a dna fragmentation test done? X
No, I only recently learnt about this. I wasn't sure if the NHS would provide one or if we need to go privately or how to arrange. I need to look at it more. Any advice welcome!
I don't think the NHS will provide this for you. I'm not from England but from what I've heard and read from others they don't. They may not even mention or suggest it 🫣 which is disappointing as so many couples are unaware and doctors and ourselves tend to blame the eggs 🙄 I'd highly recommend getting it to done privately , it will be an extra expense but so worth it imo. Best wishes. Oh also, if the result is on the higher end for dna frag there is plenty that can be done to bring it down to normal levels 👌🏽
I have had two ungraded ( or may have been low grade) day 3 embryos put back in, as they were worried they may not make it to day 5. I think the idea is that the best environment for any embryo is inside you. So an embryo may not be strong enough to survive outside your body, but may still survive inside your body.
Mine ended in a chemical, but to be hoenst, it was one of the most empowering experiences I had during 10 years of infertility (bonkers I know), as I knew I was pregnant and a day later I knew I had lost them.