I’m currently on day 7 of down regulation for my first cycle of IVF (long protocol). I’ve been struggling with my mood from the drop in hormones. I constantly feel like I’m on the edge of tears at work. I felt like I was doing ok trying to act normal but my manager said to me in a meeting I seem uninterested in work and my performance was slipping. This set me off, I ended up having to go home as I couldn’t stop crying. I’ve told them I’ll not be back in before I start stims and I obviously can’t hold it together enough to be in work. I work in oncology so the emotional side of the job is too much at the moment.
I feel like I’m the only person to be struggling so early on. There are lots of posts on here regarding people struggling with the 2WW, I haven’t even got near egg collection stage and already off work. My GP has offered to sign me off for the rest of IVF process which is great but I feel so guilty like I should be at work.
Has anyone else had to get signed off work for the whole process ??