Hi everyone, I just wanted to seek some advice and support. I was experiencing some irregular bleeding between periods and this was quite alarming as I normally have very regular periods. I did go to a gynaecologist for some tests and one of the tests was to check my AML levels which came back to be very low; 1.6pmol/l. The doctor was not very helpful and told me that I am reaching menopause and will never be able to have children naturally and then discharged me from his care. I am absolutely devastated and highly anxious and stressed about these results. I am 36years old and have never tried to fall pregnant as my partner and I were planning on getting married this year before trying to have a baby. This all happened last week and since then I have been feeling really depressed and worried as I really want to have a baby. The doctor gave me no advice on what to do or what this low AML levels even mean. I am going to see my GP and another specialist this week for a second opinion but the wait is nerve wracking. Has anyone been in a similar situation or has an advice or success stories to share?
Very Low AMH levels and bleeding betw... - Fertility Network UK
Very Low AMH levels and bleeding between periods

I am so sorry. Is this with the NHS? If they do not do an ultrasound, a blood test alone is not enough to determine amh. They need to count follicles at cycle day 2 or 3. They also need to test FSH. I would say 36 is still a good age. My advice is could you get partner tested. If his analysis is good, it could be easier getting pregnant. It might be a good idea to go straight to ivf and start banking embryos but you would probably need to go private to avoid queues. Another point to consider is vitamin D levels. If vitamin d is lower, that can make amh appear a lot lower if it was just a blood test. I know that my amh at 37.5 was satisfactory but when I had a private scan and had taken a lot more vitamin D it almost doubled. I took about 2000iu vitamin D a day plus Pregnacare. I even upped it to 3000iu a day broken down into 3 amounts plus Pregnacare. You can do that for years. It’s very difficult to get too much vitamin D unless you’re taking an excessive amount.
I found Rebecca Fett helpful from It starts with the egg. But we were dealing with low morphology.
Hi there, thank you so much for replying to my post 😊 This was private and today I went to get a second opinion but the doctor today confirmed that my AMH is low. He did an internal scan and unfortunately found no follicles on my right ovary but found only 2 on the left. He mentioned that IVF most likely will not work for me ☹️ I am not sure if new follicles will develop on the ovary in future months.
There was no need evidence on what was causing the irregular bleeding but its what lead me to seeing a doctor.
I will try naturally and pray for the best. I started taking the vitamin D and some other vitamins. It is heartbreaking news but I will hope and pray. My partner is booked to do a semen analysis in the coming week so hopefully thats all clear.
I also managed to get the Rebecca Fett book and just started reading it, its so informative and I feel I am learning so much. I do feel like not many people are aware of how much impacts fertility and sadly people only learn when faced with issues.
I hope your journey is a more positive one. Thank you again for replying to my post 😊
I’m really sorry. What day did you have the scan? After ovulation amh is lower. It could be that the ovaries alternate. You might have follicles on the other ovary next month. You could ask about taking Dhea. Wheatgrass can be good for fsh.
Its day 3 of my period and he said this is a good time to get a good view of the follicles so he did it today. I am really hoping there will be more follicles in the coming months.
I asked him about DHEA as I have read up so much on it and also this Rebecca Fett book mentions it a lot but he wasn’t really saying much about it. I might just try it and see if it helps. Will also try the wheatgrass, thank you so much xx
He has not done any further blood work or anything, I am not sure whether to get an MOT done on my fertility. Will it give me any more info or is the scan sufficient?
You could get fsh tested on day 3. You could try natural ivf where they just inject sperm into the egg you ovulate every month. I read an article about it working for a 40 year old who had an fsh of 20. Basically, higher fsh the closer to menopause but stress can also increase fsh. I had high fsh once when I was taking a lot of medication and extremely stressed. You could also do fertility acupuncture as well once a week.
There is an interesting article from:
“IVF with a gentle touch” from Independent online article.
Thank you, I will def read this article.
I have been struggling with my stress levels in recent months and also been grieving a loss so not sure whether thats also having an impact on my hormones. I do need to change lifestyle habits but I have been also struggling with depression and isolating myself so need to break the cycle. Will def try everything I can do xx
Hello. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone. I’m 35 and I have a low AMH (bottom 10% for my age) and it can feel so lonely. Interestingly for me, spotting in between my periods was my only abnormal symptom alongside my infertility. My periods were regular and they weren’t painful. Slowly as the investigations progressed they found my AMH was low too. Cut a long story short, it was endometriosis that was causing the extra bleeding and low AMH. It’s an inherently difficult thing to diagnose, so I don’t know if me telling you this is even helpful! But mine was found during a laparoscopy to assess whether my fallopian tubes were blocked.
Keep on pushing for investigations and trust your gut too! And keep posting with questions because, like I said, you’re not on your own x
Hi there, thank you so much for your msg🙂 I am so sorry to hear that you also dealing with this too, its a horrible feeling and can be quite lonely. I went for an internal scan which showed no signs of Endometriosis. Its weird because I spotted just twice and found it so unusual so decided to get seen by a gynaecologist and then got this heartbreaking news. I also have a thyroid issue which could be causing fertility issues. The last two weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster but I am just trying to educate myself more. I wish I had known some of this stuff before.
I hope you are now getting treated for your endo. Have you been taking any supplements at all? I am trying to research supplements at the moment and reading the Rebecca Fett book which is helpful.
I think another problem I have is I tend to google everything which takes me down a rabbit hole and leaves me even more worried so I am going to try to stop doing that.
I am going to go for further investigations in a few weeks and then just pray for the best. It can be nerve wracking waiting on results etc