I’m going to do a freeze all egg collection and pgta test my embryos. I was wondering how long a gap there is typically between the egg collection and getting back into doing a transfer when you pgta test them. What was your process?
Time line if you do pgta testing and ... - Fertility Network UK
Time line if you do pgta testing and a freeze all cycle

we did a collection, pgta tested and froze all in June. It took 3 weeks for the results to come back. So I would assume you could go from your next period? We actually changed clinic, moved embryos + did a load more tests so didn’t end up doing the transfer until December. But it’s worked + I am currently 7+3 🥹🤞🏼
Curious to know what other tests you did??
Thank you ☺️ I did the immune tests to check for NK cells, I did have slightly raised levels so had an intralipid drip about 12 days before transfer. I have not since needed one, we have re-tested the levels.
Also did the era, Emma and Alice tests. I had raised ‘bad bacteria’ myself and my husband both needed really strong antibiotics to clear this. I also took multiple pro-biotics x
Hi Thierry101 hope you’re well! I’m having the ERA/alice/emma tests soon - can I check when you and your husband get prescribed with antibiotics, is this because your husband has tests as part of ERA/Alice/Emma tests too? Or do they give you both antibiotics based on your results? Not had my nurse app yet so not sure what to expect as part of it all.
I did egg collection and PGTA testing in July 23 and transferred Nov 23, after choosing a medicated FET
I gave birth at 35 w 4 days on 30th June 24 at 41 years of age
I had egg collection on 4th Oct 2024. 12 collected, 10 mature, 9 fertilised. And 4 blasts, one day 5 and three days 6.The biopsies of the 4 blasts was sent off and the results were in within 10 days of that. We got 2 good quality embryos, I am currently 39. None of the embryos were damaged at all by the testing. They were happy for me to transfer the following cycle but it didn't fall right with my period and Christmas closures, so will be starting that soon.
We had an egg collection in the October - then the testing. There was a bit of back and forth with the clinic to go for the testing cause you need to pay per embryo so one to be on to chase for and they made us complete another consent form (even though it’s in your plan and I’m sure we had completed it already!!)…this all adds on a bit of time. A surprise for me was that they froze the embryos then they were on a short waiting list (couple weeks) for them to be thawed and biopsied (I thought the biopsy happened on collection). Then that was sent to another company for testing so again this adds on time if not in-house.
We got our outcome in November- which sadly was not the result we were hoping for. We had planned to do the transfer in the January.
The clinics were closed in December but now having been through it I think January would still have been good rather than rush in. If I was going through it again I’d want to give myself a couple months off for my body to recover and try and get myself in a strong place before transferring.
Best of luck with your process 🥰
Just to join the party...
Egg collection in April '24 -8 collected, 7 fertilised, 4 to blast (1 day5, 3 day 6). Biopsied on days 5 and 6, respectively.
Results were back in around 10 days, 2 euploid.
We had a holiday planned, and I wanted my body to recover from stims -once the embryos are out and frozen, taking a break doesn't change anything- so we had a little break.
Because of my cycles and clinic availability, I had my baseline done in July for an August modified natural transfer.
Our transfer was unsuccessful (I think because clinic didn't really listen to when I was having LH surge, so embryo went back a bit too late), so about to go again with a transfer next week, after a break for some further tests and a naturally conceived ectopic.
So, depending on when your clinic gets results back and whether they do baseline on day 1 or days 21+, you'll likely be transferring around 2 cycles after collection. Mine also liked you to have a 'real' period post-stims.
So, worth asking your clinic what they'd advise their timelines and protocols are, as these vary widely.
Hi, I had collected end of September last year and they were biopsied and sent off on day 5 and I got the results a week later! I got my withdraw bleed in October and next full period early November. My clinic wanted me to wait another month till December to check my body had recovered from the stims but I was worried about transfer hitting the Christmas closure so I pushed to transfer in November and by some miracle my transfer worked! (5th transfer!)