Today I will be 8 days past 5 day embryo transfer. It’s my first embryo transfer and I don’t know a lot. I see that a lot of people have a BFP at day 7.. Is it normal to only see the tiniest shadow at day 8pt?
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To me it looks negative but day 8 is still early. Maybe try again in a couple of days?
I think it's still too early. Was it a fresh transfer? If so, the trigger shot can make you get a false negative. But I can see a bit of a shadow of a line there. Fingers crossed for you! X
can you try a different test? At 8dpt the line has always been pretty obvious to me in the boots or first response pink dye early response tests. That should give you a better indication. This test looks negative to me but I do see a wee shadow so a bit inconclusive xx
It does seems a bit light but try tomorrow, you should have a more defined line by then. Sending loads of love your way x
Try an early detection test for a more accurate result, if you dont see a line on an early detection test by day 8 you are most likely not pregnant. I definitely see a shadow on on your test ❤🤞