Hi all,
I am 41 years old and have been TTC for over 3 years. We had one funded round of IVF via the NHS which failed due to no fertilisation. Our consultant then suggested ICSI which we did and had 1 egg fertilised and resulted in a positive pregnancy. Unfortunately I had MMC at 5.5 weeks.
We then tried 2 further rounds of ICSI with 4 follicles being collected each time but no fertilisation.
We want to try once more with my own eggs before using DE. I was googling having DE from abroad when I found out about tandem cycles. Slightly frustrating that even after being under a consultant for over 3 years this is the first time I have heard of tandem cycles and seems to be the right thing for us to do.
I am now down a rabbit hole of where to go for tandem cycles, Spain or Greece or somewhere else and wondered if anyone had any recommendations or advice that they could DM me please?
I’d really appreciate the help! Thanks in advance.