Hi I just heard that my day 3 embryos were low quality and fragmented. 17 were collected, 10 fertilized and 9 made it to day 3. I am 43 years old and have had low quality embryos on day 3 last round but 3/4 made it to blast. Anyone have experiences with fragmented day 3s?
Day 3 Embryos D Grade and Fragmented - Fertility Network UK
Day 3 Embryos D Grade and Fragmented

Hi @HopeAt43, never heard of "low quality" at day 3 but 9 is a great number. My clinic never commented on quality at day 3, but I had cycles where I mostly had day 6 blastocysts instead of day 5. Hang in there.
Wow!!! I am 43 and only got 3 eggs, all fertilized, but one failed to progress, I had 2. 3 day old embryos transfer both were grade A, I am now on day 10 and just had a negative HPT, hoping that still one of them implanted, beta test on Tuesday. But my doctor did say if they had been low or fragmented they still would have placed them back because sometime embryos are tough, and can bounce back. FX!!!
Oh great! Thank you and good luck! My last round I had empty follicle syndrome and only got 7, 4 mature. All 4 were fragmented on day 3 but 3 made it to day 5. Maybe I just make ugly embryos?
My consultant told me to not worry about levels of fragmentation but just focus on how many cells on day 3 - do you know the answer to that? he said that had a better correlation to positive results. good luck xx

Oh that makes me feel better. She said 2 are behind at 3/4 but the rest are fine. I asked if that means they made it to the right number of cells and she said yes. She said they were “d” quality for fragmentation.
Are you having them transferred on day 5???
I’m 40 and had a 3 day transfer. Nearly 34 weeks pregnant. Hang in there xx
I am not transferring as I need a gestational carrier. I got two blasts today at day 5. A chance for 3 more day 6s. I’m pretty bummed.
Wow don't be disappointed, thats an epic result for our age.. I have only got to day 5 once in 4 rounds and have a high AMH. I would be patting myself on the back and celebrating with that haul xx

Oh really? I guess I am 44 in two months. I have a high AMH as well and I just wasn't ready for the abrupt drop off I guess. I guess age does trump all. I still haven’t heard back, so I’m assuming they are still growing and they are giving them as much time as possible which could be a good or bad thing.
It’s still a good number, I just had my beta back and it was negative, I’m so gutted and tired!! Baby dust to all!!!
Just to update the thread, I got 2 5 day 3AB and 3BB blasts and one 6 day 4BB. I find out in 3 weeks which ones if any are normal. Not holding out too much hope but we will see. Thank you all!