hi, would love to hear from ladies with low AFC…I have between 1 to 5 depending if it’s a good month or not. I have been trying naturally for years following miscarriage but finally decided to go for IVF last year. Did one round with one follicle, fresh transfer and failed. No Preg achieved and was kicking myself I didn’t take to Day 5 and test but that was the clinics advice. I Want to bank a few embryos so I can PGT test this time around (given age and to give me confidence at transfer) and just curious to hear about your protocols to get enough embryos for testing to then hopefully get some normal. My Dr says it’s going to be a lot of cycles to get enough embryos as it’s a numbers game but would love to hear about different approaches and hopefully success stories from you. ❤️
Age 45 with low AFC need advice for e... - Fertility Network UK
Age 45 with low AFC need advice for embryo banking and PGT-A testing

Hiya, I'm also 45 but due to my low Amh, Dr proposed using donor eggs to give me a better chance of getting pregnant.We had 8 embryos, first transfer failed. Hoping for good news on the second transfer.
Have you thought of using donor eggs?
Thanks Ash and for sharing your story. I have been recommended donor but not ready for that step yet as really haven’t tried IVF until last year. I believe I can do with own eggs but will just need time and money to travel this path. When you say you had 8 embryos and failed on first transfer I assume this is with donor?
hi we used human growth hormone I have low amh and didn't get many eggs before this protocol. Luckily we got far more on HGH.
I also pgta tested and had the eta, Alice and Emma tests don.
Thanks so much for sharing and really interesting to know. Will ask my Dr to add to protocol when we start. Did you have success with your PGTa and did you test one cycle at a time or freeze, defrost etc?
Hiya I batched so I did 3/4 cycles and got 9,5, 6 and once 0 ( ovulated early)! In those cycles. We had 7 blasts and tested those of which 2 were normal.
I'm super grateful for those 2 as it gives me hope that my body can produce normal eggs. They have been frozen and I'm a little scared to cycle for fear of the outcome and weight gain. I'm due to take steroids for my transfer and lots of progesterone!
It's a good test to have the era, Alice and Emma and pgs as it increases your outcome.
Good luck lovely and sending you lots of love x
Wishing you luck with your cycles 🤞I have had a couple of doctors mention duo-stim being a good protocol for low AMH. I have never had enough follicles to try it though. I have been testing one cycle at a time but unfortunately embryos so far came back abnormal
Thanks for sharing. Duo stim was suggested to me in Spain. It’s interesting as it appears I have more follicles in luteal than in start of new cycle. I tried luteal phase stim in Spain with 6 follicles but only one progressed. Recent conversation with my new IVF Dr I’m hoping to speak to is that luteal phase stim can be challenging as the follicles are recruited at different stages so getting them to grow together can be challenging. She has however offered to explore this with me. Re your embryos…are you supporting with the usual diet, supplements, exercise, non toxic prods and other natural therapies or anti inflammatory treatments such as ozone therapy?
I’m taking all the main supplements. Lots of ubiquinol. I use mainly natural products in general. With diet, I don’t think about it too much but I am pretty healthy I think! Coffee a bit of a weakness though so trying to limit that, and sugar. Exercise through yoga regularly but nothing too intense. Hadn’t heard about ozone therapy but doctors I spoke to dismissed red light and PRP, saying stick to evidence proven things.
My egg numbers have been fairly even and my doctor doesn’t seem to think there is a difference for me in long vs short, but I think we have had more promising cycles with long (either slightly more eggs or slightly more blastocysts).
Good luck getting your embryos. I am sure you will do it. For your info PRP I tried in Greece last year but didn’t result in any more follicles for me and in fact seemed to be quite the opposite but some women do seem to respond well. Seems to be 50/50 and I was obviously in the wrong 50. There is theory however that it can egg more energy to the eggs and therefore help in the chromosomal arrangements when fertilizing but I didn’t get to test that theory in a lab so who knows!
Red light therapy seems to have increased my AFC. My AFC used to be 1-5 and at my last scan it was 9.
Also I don’t plan to do PGTa test as I want to give all my embryos a chance by putting them all in (multiple at a time).
Thanks so much for the advice. I actually have a panel at home but haven’t been using regularly so will get cracking with that again. Do you use panel or how often do you do the therapy?
I’m 44 and just had my miracle baby girl 5 weeks ago , I never PGT tested as I feel at this age you don’t have many embryos in the first place and better to transfer and put them in and give them a chance. It’s taken four years, 5 cycles and failed transfers and losses along the way but we finally got there and I do believe you just have to find the golden egg and keep trying …I also believe in 3 day transfer but appreciate this isn’t for everyone. Hydroxy on this last cycle was the big difference for me.
Wishing you so much good luck with your next steps 💕💕
Super interesting. My Dr has been saying the same to me that u should be open to non testing due to limited embryos so I will consider. She is also proposing Hydroxy and also neupogen washes and injections pre transfer which is a granulocye medication that can help implantation for women with know genetic deficiency. I was tested in Spain and have shown to have KIR A/A plus a certain type of HLA which is known to not have the activating code for implantation so for now that’s the plan. My takeaway from your advice is be willing to pivot. Congrats to you for getting your baby in the end. Super exciting ❤️
Yes definitely, be willing to pivot- one thing I know after 4 years of this fertility journey is in the end follow your instincts, which despite so many different inputs I did and in the end , step by step it got us to our miracle.
If you look at my historical posts, I asked about Hydroxy and got really positive reply’s, I don’t fully understand the science behind it but it was prescribed to me because of APS blood clotting disorder, taken for 8 weeks before my cycle. Also Clexane from the start of stimming rather than after transfer. I also switched to Ovum supplement a few months before this cycle. Previously took Impryl.
Again so much strength and best wishes for your future cycles, don’t give up if it’s in your heart to keep going.💕💕💕