I realise it might be early and implantation can occur at different times for different people. But I was already testing positive at this point last time (had a MC) and a lot of people seem to get positives from 5 days. This wait just kills you..... Any positive stories where you recieved a first positive later than day 5?
I am 5dp5dt and getting a negative te... - Fertility Network UK
I am 5dp5dt and getting a negative test.

Hi ladybd,
I'm currently 6dp5dt and haven't tested yet. I know when I got my positive (unfortunately ending in a mmc) I tested on day 7. I've seen loads of stories on here about people testing one day and it being negative then checking again a few days later and it being positive. Each cycle is different so your body may not be detecting the HCG levels just yet. Are you getting any symptoms at all? I've hard hardly anything, which is making me worry. X
I have started to get sore boobs the last few days but I don't really feel pregnant and have always been able to tell previously quite quickly. I suppose with getting the positive at 4 and 5 days post transfer last time its has given me certain expectations, which is probably making it worse. I do hope you get a positive when you test. I'm just hoping mine is a little later to implant this time round. x

Hi. I’m not surprised, it’s early days. Keep up with all prescribed medication and test on the correct day recommended by your clinic. Good luck. Diane
Thanks Diane, I find my clinics 14 day wait a bit excessive to be honest after a 5 day transfer, so will probably test on day 10 as well. If the HCG is showing a negative at that point I will be speaking to my clinic about stopping the horrendous injections.(n.b. they have me doing the Proj injections subcutaneous and its been awful so cant even imagine how the intramuscular would be) But will hold off till then, before changing any of my meds, I'm also taking the pessaries. Living in hope just now and its hard, cause I just have this feeling its not worked and don't feel pregnant at all really.
Hi! I only tested positive on Day 9. I had no symptoms, and I thought it was another failed cycle. I am now 16+2. It's still early, test again in a few days. Wishing you all the best. x
I’m an early tester and my little boy didn’t show until day 7 and one misscariage the time before showed on day 8 the other chemicals/misccariages now we are trying for a sibling have been noticeable but very faint on day 5/6 so I think it defo can vary each time and also depends what test you are using so I would say there is defo still some hope there I don’t give up hope until day 7/8 🤗🤞🏽and my friends didn’t show until day 10! xx
Wow that is good news, thanks for responding . I’m using the first response 6 days before period. Did you say all the earlier lines were chemicals for you? I’ll try to stay positive and chill a little till next week.