Hi ladies,
today I’m 5 days post FET (a mediocre BB blastocyst) and I’m getting stark white negatives on Easy@Home tests. I know these are reliable since I’ve used them for all my transfers (11 so far) and they always told me very early if was pregnant or not.
I collected 3 chemicals and 1 ectopic during my infertility journey, and they all showed up by 4-6 dpt at the latest.
I’ll test again this evening but I feel I’m out. This blasto was the last one from a batch of 5 and none of them ever stuck, so I know my chances with this one are basically zero.
The question is…can I stop meds? I’m doing injections twice a day (Clexane and Pleyris) and it’s a nightmare, my belly is really sore and bruised, I can’t take it anymore. I really want to stop, since it serves no purpose. My beta is in a week but I just can’t keep up the charade, since as usual it’s not going to work.