What's the general opinion on time between FET? Wait 1-2 natural periods in between or try again with the next period after residual bleed?
How long to wait between FETs? - Fertility Network UK
How long to wait between FETs?
Hi there. I didn't wait.my first cycle failed, and went straight for the next cycle.
Just responded to another very similar post with this:
My private clinic have always been ok to go from next natural period even after early losses/chemicals, but my NHS one wanted at a least two natural periods in between (although I suspect that was for scheduling). My successful FET I started progynova on the first natural period after second early loss/chemical in a row and I got pregnant naturally after a BFN and waiting for my next FET without any break so it would have been the equivalent of going from the withdrawal bleed, so can't see a reason in principle why not and I've read you're more fertile straight after a loss.
My clinic always let me go again straight away. It’s usually the next period after the residual bleed.
Currently pregnant with number 2. I had a failed fresh transfer in November and my clinic allowed me to do a frozen transfer in December, no natural period in between just the withdrawal bleed, this transfer was a BFP. I was having a natural modified cycle so the clinic were tracking my regular ovulation to time the transfer, they said if I was having a fully medicated transfer that it would have been a no and minimum one month/menstrual cycle delay. To be honest they weren't initially keen to do the transfer the next month and wanted to wait for one natural bleed, but were open to having the discussion with me and giving it a try when they heard what I had to say.