Rollercoaster update: ladies, just... - Fertility Network UK

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Rollercoaster update

leo1980 profile image
14 Replies

ladies, just about to dash into a meeting but I need someone to disect this and explain in a language I can understand. As of Friday Baby Leo1980 was a slow grow only HCG 124 From the 107 it was when I got my positive. Dr called at 4pm as I was tarting for a Christmas party and burst my bubble on viability. So was told to do a second test today. He said as it was over the weekend, and I had enough meds to keep going over the weekend, we can do the test on Monday and look at coming off the meds at some point Monday. As you all know I am neurotic. I took sharps bin in, wine in fridge for my pity party tonight and I was more flexible with my taking my meds today expecting to be off it! I also had a latte and an almond Croissant for breakfast. Doctor has just rung to say - the HCG has doubled . It’s at 324 now. I need to stay on meds but I will need to back at the clinic at 9am for more meds as I don’t have any and pending blood test on Wednesday, I need to await further instructions- all very stressful! Is this normal when HCG isn’t high?

why can’t they look on an ultrasound now and say yay and nay? Why is the HCG doubling now when it didn’t want to at the beginning? I am very uncomfortable. Like wobbly legs, sore back, really heavy period pains. Is this all normal or is it this just the abnormality of my situation? I have nothing to compare to as we never got this far in 7 years. I know they have to give me the benefit of the doubt etc but could this be a chemical or etopic and how would I know if it’s either? And just for laughs… I have my follow up with the consult on Tuesday but this was booked on the basis of a negative test - they asked if they could cancel and I said no as I left this morning - I also went as far as booking a 3pm next Wednesday with the egg donation team putting my name on the wait list! How bad is it that I had a latte today.? I need to take a chill pill.

Thank you as always

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leo1980 profile image
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14 Replies
RedFox23 profile image

Hi Leo, what an emotional rollercoaster! I know nothing about HCG levels but I’m hoping tomo they’ve continued to rise ✨ ✨

The waiting must be an absolute nightmare. Sending you lots of well wishes x

leo1980 profile image
leo1980 in reply to RedFox23

Thank you Redfox23. - me too nada on HCG. I did google but it can’t make up its mind if it good or bad so I gave up trying to figure it and just be content with trusting the process! As there is nothing I can do from here on. 🥹

Skittles11 profile image

What a intense rollercoaster you are on. It's great news that the HCG has increased and sometimes they do start a little slower and then catch up I think. I believe they can't see anything on scans until the 6th or 7th week but perhaps someone will come along later and know more on that.

Take a deep breath and try and take it easy. Also I really think its okay that you had a latte. This is something to come off the worry list xc

leo1980 profile image
leo1980 in reply to Skittles11

Thank you Skittles11. This bit is actually frightening as I don’t know what I am Doing wrong or right! Friday doctors debating keeping me on the meds today it has doubled. Who knows what Wednesday will bring! Thank you for the reassurance. It was a very nice latte!

I am naturally highly strung - can you imagine how turbo I am on steroids and stress (plus the latte)!

It is what it is. Nice lesson in patience I suppose ❤️

Chel91 profile image

What a rollercoaster indeed! Keeping everything crossed for you!! 🤞🏻 How many days post transfer are you? That might be more helpful regarding HCG levels, but everyone is different anyway. Even very low levels can sometimes be normal so I've heard. It sounds promising that it's doubled. I wonder if it could have been a slow starter, or maybe a disappearing twin. Don't want to be overly positive as I know that's not always helpful, but definitely keep on with the meds for now. Plus don't worry about the latte that's totally fine! 💗

leo1980 profile image
leo1980 in reply to Chel91

Thank you! I would say 15 days post a 5 day transfer. So 20 days on all together. Feel like I lived 4 seasons and lifetimes over the last 2o days. I know nothing about the HCG, clinic seem to have a protocol to follow so just going one day at a time. Like bloody hurdles. Google is indescive so have abandoned the need to research and just go with it. My plan is to post on here if I have a question since experience and practicalty seem to prevail! How are you doing?

Chel91 profile image
Chel91 in reply to leo1980

I'm good thanks hun. Crossing everything for you! 💕 When do they call you with your next level? xx

Krystal_43 profile image

Gosh what a rollercoaster ride you’re on. I don’t know anything about HCG either, it’s mad cause I feel like a pro when it comes to the 2ww but have no clue for what comes after. Fingers crossed you have a late implanter & numbers continue to rise. Xxxx

Twiglet2 profile image

goodness me how stressful!! They wouldn’t be able to tell anything g on a scan until your HCG levels are a lot higher around 10k so the blood tests are the only way to monitor just now got my fingers and toes crossed that it was just a slow starter. I can understand why you are preparing for the worst though I do the same thing, it’s like a safety net. Don’t worry about the coffee one coffee won’t do any harm 🤗 xx

flamingopher profile image

This all sounds quite positive to me. After 7 years, 3 cycles and 2 chemical pregnancies, my last ditch day 3 embryo finally stuck - but he did it very much in his own sweet time! First HCG was 61, so we couldn’t quite call it another chemical, but it certainly felt over. 2 days later it had gone up to 114 - again not really a good enough rise but enough to keep me in limbo hell. My husband had to invent silly songs to stop me crying hysterically and actually get out of the car for the appointments. 2 days later my HCG was 285 and they officially congratulated me. I had my scan 10 days later and they instantly found a heartbeat and everything looked spot on. I still never believed it was all going to work out. He’s now 10 months old and perfectly healthy, and I’ve just about stopped worrying about it all being a dream. I also had a glass of champagne at 6 weeks pregnant!

So sometimes it doesn’t all work out, and sometimes it does. I had period-like cramps until about 12 weeks too. DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE LATTE! It’s fine to have one coffee a day (wasn’t an issue for me as the smell made me nauseous haha). As for the ultrasound there’s generally no point doing one early because the earliest you can see the heartbeat is at about 6 weeks. The waiting absolutely sucks though.

Good luck, I really hope this is your time x

Jumpppy profile image

I don't want to give false hope, but there is some "play" in lab results, variation around a margin of error. This could be as much as 50 or 100 units for some labs. When you are talking small numbers, this has a big impact. My Dr do weekly hcg tests until week 7 to mitigate this.

Etopic is possible, but without symptoms it's hard for them to know for a while at your levels. The symptoms you are reporting are the same as my early pregnancy symptoms - (massive) feeling of impending period.

Both of my boys were slow at the early stages in terms of hcg rises. With both I was told "hope for best, prepare for worst." I had massive rises at the end of week 5.

Hoping it keeps going well!!! Good thoughts and lots of hope! Good Luck xoxo

Millbanks profile image

I just saw this post!! What an effing rollercoaster for you my love.

TBH I do think sometimes they just take longer than expected. We're so bound by what the doctors say we forget that there are massive discrepancies between each person.

I've got everything crossed that it keeps going up! xx

Jumpppy profile image

leo1980 Did I read your reply on the other post correctly that this is not working out (non-viable)? 😢 if so very sorry. I've everything crossed for you. I hope it is all good and I misread.

leo1980 profile image
leo1980 in reply to Jumpppy

hi yes! No heartbeat… pregnancy wasn’t progressing they said! It is what it is. Sorry I got so busy I forgot to post. I have one pgt tested embryo left so will regroup and then head into my final around. We are already on the donor list. I put my name down the day I got my BFP must have been 6th sense! We are ok really. Thank you ever so much xx

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