Hey everyone
Our 4th cycle (3rd fresh) has just ended abruptly after they only retrieved 1 immature egg and it failed to fertilise. This is the first time we haven’t made it to transfer and to say I feel blind sided is an understatement.
For context we have previously had;
(age 29) Fresh cycle - 10 eggs (I donated 5), x4 of ours fertilised, 2 transferred but BFN
(31) FET - last 2 transferred but BFN
Took a break and life moved on….
(Aged 41, last month) Fresh cycle - 3 eggs, 2 fertilised and transferred. BFP at 9 & 10dp5dt but then BFN at OTD 😒
This month they saw 4 on the screen but only found the x1 which fertilised. I know they say that you can respond differently on different cycles but just wondering if anyone else had had a poor cycle but then had a better cycle afterwards? Realistically we have money for x2 more cycles but seems silly to try again if there’s a good chance we won’t even get to transfer again?
I already felt that our last bfp was our only chance and now even more worried we’ll never get that again 🥺.
Thanks x x