I have had all my NHS IVF medication delivered, I was just waiting for my period to start any day now so I could begin injections. Then, on Tuesday this week I had my first ever positive pregnancy test. 2 days later I tested again and the test line was not as clear. 3 days later, today, I'm sure I have had a miscarriage. I'm terrified to tell any medical professionals what has happened, in case they say I'm now not able to do IVF any more. I've been waiting so long for this, could they take it all away from me? I only have one round.
Will they stop my IVF (and ICSI) trea... - Fertility Network UK
Will they stop my IVF (and ICSI) treatment? Miscarriage just before

So sorry to hear this. Usually the clinic will want you to have one ‘normal’ period before starting treatment so you may have to push it back a month to ensure they can align treatment with your cycle.
Have you had a miscarriage bleed?
Also it may depend on your treatment plan - are they putting you on northisterone first?
You’re best to speak to the clinic and be honest with them to ensure the right course of treatment at the right time for you.
Best wishes,
Thanks so much for replying. Yes, I'm having a miscarriage bleed as far as I know. I was not on northisterone, I was going straight to bemfola injections as soon as my period arrived. Do you think they could cancel my ivf altogether now that I've technically conceived naturally (although it's ended in miscarriage)?
they won’t cancel altogether just because you conceived naturally but they may want to wait until a normal period (ie not a miscarriage withdrawal bleed) as honey said so I would give them a calll and see if they reccomend to wait a month for the best chance of success? As it was only positive for a few days they might not treat it as a withdrawal bleed (my clinic treat it as a period if the test was not positive on test day rather than a miscarriage bleed when even if it was positive before test day but as this one is a natural pregnancy for you I’m not sure). As you are going straight to stims I would defo call them to check as if you hadn’t tested you might not have known about the chemical so it’s defo one to get their advice on xx
Hi there. I'm so sorry to hear this. Similar happened to me but it was my Fertility clinic that diagnosed a missed misscarriage. Once I had the all clear from the early pregnancy unit after a medical management of my misscarriage and I'd had my first period following I could start on the stims meds. Sending you lots of love xxx
I'm sorry, that must have been a bit of a roller coaster. I think it depends on your clinic. After each early loss on fresh transfers, my clinic were OK for me to have the withdrawal bleed, then start meds on the next natural period. When I had a later loss (10weeks) they wanted me to have at least one natural period in between so that they knew everything was back to normal x
hi I’m very sorry that you’re going through this, i had I MMC end of July (1st bleed), 1st period came back in September , my clinic advised me to wait for 1 more period which came in October , and started prep for FET then. Talk to them I’m sure they all have slightly different approaches, also I think if it had been a chemical they’d have let me start after 1st period. I don’t think they’ll cancel they’ll just advise how long your body will need to recover so you have the best chances xx. All the best of luck!
Hi lovely, I'm so sorry to read your post. Have you contacted your nearest early pregnancy unit? If not, please do as they can scan you, do bloods and give you advice. If it's definitely a miscarriage you'll need to make sure no miscarriage tissue is left. Your fertility clinic won't cancel your IVF but they will want you to have had at least one period before you start IVF. Sending love and hugs - miscarriage is so hard speaking from personal experience. Take care xxx
HoneyB11 Twiglet2 AshleyJB Fruitandflowers Hopewhite Citizenerased83 thank you all so much for reading my message and helping me, I don't feel so alone in this now. I spoke to my IVF clinic, they said to wait a week and do another pregnancy test then update them. I was so relieved to hear they wouldn't take me off the IVF and ICSI list but I do have to wait until I have 2 periods after this until I'm able to start which seems so far away considering I was expecting to start this week and my periods are irregular. I also don't know if having a miscarriage means my next period cycle will be really thrown off. I've looked up the number of my nearest early pregnancy unit and if things get worse or the pains I had return I will definitely contact them xxxx
So sorry that you’re going through this, if you soak through more than 3 pads an hour contact EPU or go to A&E, the pain should ease once you have passed the tissue, you can take paracetamol and hot bottle of water also helped xx. I hope the process is smooth for you and you can soon be over the worst. I know what it feels to have to wait a bit longer, just think it’s the best for your body to give it a chance to recover and be better prepared for the treatment. Sending you strength and hope xx
It's disappointing being delayed but it will go quickly. I think it can mess up your cycles, but mine went straight back to normal each time, so hopefully it will right itself. Also, it might sound odd - and this isn't meant to be insensitive as I know how hard it is emotionally - but having had a natural BFP, even if it didn't last, is like an extra diagnostic test - it means you ovulate, at least one of your tubes is clear, your eggs and partner's sperm are strong enough to make an embryo, and your womb conditions mean there can be implantation, plus your embryo produced some HCG. I never had that before IVF and when I had two early losses/chemicals, my consultant tried to say something similar to me which I couldn't take in at the time, but now understand why in the scheme of infertility he must have seen, he saw these things as a sign thay we would eventually be successful, and we were. When you're feeling a bit stronger, I hope this gives some little comfort x
Glad to hear it’s just delayed and not cancelled! Hopefully your period will come as normal as it’s an early loss (I had a miscarriage at 5.5-6 weeks from natural conception straight after my first failed round). Like Fruitandflowers said - try to take it as a good sign that you can get pregnant. Despite my loss I’ve been much more hopeful since I saw the first BFP and I’m currently 4.5wks pregnant from my second icsi cycle 😊
Best of luck to you x
sorry you going theought this. I agree with all the ladies above but wanted to add. I had irregular period (i dont have pcos but do have thyroid issue) what helped me to regulate (now they are between32-35 days) is by taking inositol powder everyday in ny coffee. Just so i roughly have regular periods. It was killing me to wait 40-55 days previously xxx