Had 7 week scan today and everything looked perfect BUT the heartbeat was slow at 90bpm. Doctor said it should be above 100bpm and google suggests it should be above 110/120bpm. Back in a week to see if things have progressed. Prognosis looks all bad online - please, any success stories?
low heart beat at 7 week scan - Fertility Network UK
low heart beat at 7 week scan

Sorry you are going through this.
This article seems to suggest if the baby was measuring on track with a slow heartrate there is more likely to be a good outcome than if they are measuring behind.
Keeping everything crossed for you 🍀

Hi Whatheivf. I hope that as little grows, the heart rate will naturally increase. Fingers crossed. Diane
little slow heartbeat is ok . But in most recent miscarriage heartbeat was excellent but it was measuring behind a good one week . At 6 week mark and also at 7 week mark . That sadly ended just few days after my 7 week scan . Hang in there as the Abby grows heart beat will catch .
We couldn’t believe it at the scan today when we saw baby had doubled in size and had a strong heart beating at 158bpm.
Just so people in this situation know it can work out well.
Thanks for all the messages.
so happy for you - such good news x