Hi I had to get an uber this morning and on the drive he had to break quite hard. I didn't go flying or anything and don't think the seat belt cut in but I've been so cautious with bumps etc. I'm hoping it's something people can reassure me that the embryo is well protected. Hopefully. I'm on day 6 after transfer x thank you x
TWW reassurance : Hi I had to get an... - Fertility Network UK
TWW reassurance

Hi, during my TWW I slipped on an exposed tree root and stumbled surprisingly hard. I was worried about it at the time but it was fine. It sounds like the jolt you got in the car might have been similar. The embryo is really well protected in there so try to put it to the back of your mind. All the best! 😊

Hi Ttcbythesea. Oh dear, but I’m sure you will be OK. The 2ww is a nightmare time anyway, listening and feeling for any changes. Just keep up with your prescribed medication and keep busy. Fingers crossed all goes well for you this time. Diane
Hello, The tww is so full of anxiety. I fell down the stairs all the way from top to bottom, I was 4dpt. I landed on my arm and bum luckily, but that didn't impact my embryo, I'm currently 8wks5days pregnant.
I read that as they are so small and buried deep into your lining that they are quite secure and still protected by your pelvis.
Fingers crossed for a positive outcome for you 🙏🤗
don’t worry! Embryo is super safe in your uterus. I had a car crash day after transfer! The guy went through red light and literally hit my door (hubby was driving, I was copilot) and I was so so so stressed about loosing all chances for successful implantation. Nurse told me to just relax and that me stressing out is actually more harmful than the hit I felt. So I did my best to relax (and started testing very early to see if it managed to implant 🙈). Well, I’m 7+2 today and so far everything looks great. Just relax and be positive 🙏🏻