I had a FET ten days ago after five previously failed attempts. It’s two days until official test day on day 12 and I was just about holding it together until out of the blue today I started spotting and cramping. It’s totally unnerved me! Looking for anyone who is or has been in this boat for any words of wisdom. Thanks x
spotting 10 days post 5 day FET - Fertility Network UK
spotting 10 days post 5 day FET

Hi Hazyjayne.
I had failed transfers but with my one that was successful I had spotting for days before test day and also loose stools (I have IBS so it was just my hormones going sky high). I tested early and knew I was pregnant but didn’t want to admit to the clinic I had tested before the date (daft I know) so I told the clinic I was worried with spotting and they just said to me this did happen and not to worry.
Now 31 weeks pregnant so keep your fingers crossed - good luck! Xx
Hello Positive20. Many thanks for your reply and congratulations on your pregnancy! That's reassuring to hear. I am really hoping it is something like this, but I feel completely thrown and don't really know what to think. I'm just going to old out until OTD to test. Fingers and toes all firmly crossed, thank you x
I had cramps that carried on for days, with spotting that came out of the blue two days before test day. I was pretty convinced it was over but I tested positive. I'm only 5 weeks 3 days and this is my first pregnancy. I was tormenting myself with analysing everything too - still am analysing everything while waiting for viability scan. I definitely think it's wise to wait for test day. I really hope you get a positive!
Hello. Thanks for your reply. That sounds unnerving! I’m trying to be positive without getting hopes up (yet again!). I’m so happy you got your BFP, that’s brilliant and wishing you all the best for the scan. I know how agonising all the waiting can be! Xx
hi hazyjane,
I had some spotting on Saturday and I too was very nervous, but it was only light and pinky brown - not red fresh blood, so everything I’ve read says this is a good sign of implantation bleeding. If it was only a bit and not like a full period (though I’ve heard stories of people getting more and still having a successful pregnancy).
I’m currently 5 weeks 1 day and have had no more spotting but have had other symptoms - most recently some lower back pain but no nausea (yet!).
I have a 7 week scan on 20 June. When do you have yours booked in?
Fingers crossed for you!
So last night started feeling anxious as spotting had turned from brown to pink/red with a couple of clots. Phoned clinic who said it’s either one of two things - pregnant or not!
Then got very grumpy and irritated with husband over nothing.
Woke up with a very dry mouth, thirsty, slight headache, twitching in my legs, hot feet and dull period cramping.
Tested BFP x
Amazing news, congrats! Gosh this journey really is such a rollercoaster of emotions isn’t it!! X