Hello all, I’m 40 years old and have now had 4 rounds of IVF/ICSI. Despite always producing a good number of eggs for my age (42 in total over 4 cycles) we’ve only had 4 transfers with 3 failing to implant and the only 1 that worked ended in a MMC at 9 weeks. I’m 8dp5dt (4th transfer) and I’ve tested yesterday and today and both tests are negative. I was told to test on day 10 but I just instinctively knew as soon as we were told it was a 4CC that there was no hope.
No one will offer any solutions or tests, we just keep getting told it’s the age of my eggs and our only option is donor eggs. My age doesn’t explain why I didn’t get pregnant during my younger years! I was 32 when we started properly trying.
We have very low fertilisation rates and then usually have really good quality day 3s which then arrest or turn in to not so great quality blastocysts. I just feel like we should give up but at the same time, how can we give up on our dream of having a bio child together especially when I’m still producing eggs! Any suggestions of where we go from here would be greatly appreciated xxxxx