We’ve had a spontaneous pregnancy and test is very positive. During our last ivf round we had the tests for NK cells and were advised to go on to prednisone after transfer etc. So now we’re in 2 minds, we’ve somehow fallen pregnant on our own, no meds so far (started taking folic acid today) and just unsure what to do. We’ve made it this far living our best life but then in the same instance if this is happening I need to give it everything, but is prednisone everything? 😭
prednisone or not?: We’ve had a... - Fertility Network UK
prednisone or not?

Congratulations! How amazing! Personally I wouldn't add the steroids in now! If you've got this far without them! Id call my clinic and check... even if its your old climic.. just for advice! But Nk cells vary cycle to cycle, so they might be low this cycle and taking steroids can actually cause more harm than good if you're low (make them overactive!) And this is if you actually believe all about nk cells anyway! The research is so varied!
How far along are you? You said very positive result which is promising! Wishing you all the luck in the world!!
I would speak to your GP and see if they can contact epau for you to ask specialist advice. I read on another post that someone's ivf clinic wouldn't give any advice at all for meds relating to spontaneous pregnancy.
Good luck whatever you decide. After 6 rounds and 3 losses I honestly think it was the steroids that enabled me to carry our little one to term with no issues but there's no way of knowing that, that's just my feeling. Everyone is different xx
Wow! Just wanted to say congratulations... it must be very difficult knowing what to do now... I wish I had some good advice to give you... I just wanted to wish you luck whatever you decide and I would be interested to know how you get on xx
Argh Judith! I'm SO excited for you Lovely 🎉
I had the same thing happen back in October, and I understand completely how exciting but also stressful this is. I actually didn't do many tests, as the first one I did after missing my period was really strong (my first EVER positive pregnancy test! Had started to believe the second line was a myth and didn't actual happen for people 😆). But I immediately panicked and thought, should I be on some meds? I think when you're used to the IVF mindset, the idea of just carrying on unsupported is actually quite scary.
For me, my concern was progesterone, as all IVF cycles my levels seemed low and I needed lubion as well as the usual cyclogest. I had a drawer FULL of the stuff, as it was only about 2 or 3 months since our last embryo failed to thaw on transfer day, and I'd got all the progesterone ready in anticipation.
But I didn't want to start self-medicating, so I actually emailed my IVF clinic, where I'd done all my rounds, and asked the consultant what he thought. He was supportive and said it was up to me, if I wanted to use the progesterone I could, and they could test my levels, but I'd need to stick with it and taper off it carefully obviously, after 12 weeks. But he did say it probably wasn't needed, that my body had done exactly what it needed to so far, which suggested things were probably ok and I should maybe trust that. So no definite advice either way, but I actually ended up NOT taking anything else. My view was, just because in an artificial cycle I needed to take things, I had no reason to think all wasn't going to plan in a natural cycle (and when I'd tested progesterone previously in a normal natural cycle, it had been ok). It was hard, I won't lie, but I stuck with it. (Did get myself a HCG test online though, as soon as I could, to see what my levels were like!).
Of course, prednisone is a bit different, so if you feel you'd be happier with it, that's totally understandable. I'd try your clinic first, and if they won't give any advice then obviously your GP. Hoping and praying all continues well for you 💚😍
oh my goodness I can not believe this has happened to you! Congratulations darling 🥳
Everything you’ve said are also our thoughts. I was jacked on everything with IVF and somehow this little bean has managed to implant in my hostile uterus and hopefully stays. I’ve tested again this morning as I wanted to see if the line was darker and it’s now darker than the control line so I’ll leave it there. I’ve booked in for an early scan in 2 weeks time. Can you send me the hcg test link please? X

Hi Judith. Brilliant that you are now pregnant, and I hope all continues as it should. Best to speak to your GP as this is a natural pregnancy. Hopefully you won’t need prednisolone. Good luck. Diane